November 26th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will there be cross-platform saves for the Console release?

November 26th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Will there be cross-platform saves for the Console release?

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will there be crossplatform saves for the upcoming console edition snoot who me yes you probably not I think we're leaning more towards not doing it because of all the issues that come with it and also like the it changes so much how we distribute our game I mean no no decision has been made but as far as I know we're pretty set on like not doing crossplatform or like not cross so like okay wait there's there's a little bit of clarification that's needed here right because when people say crossplatform I think they mean between console and PC but this question is kind of phrase Us in between the different consoles it might be that we do a crossplatform between like Xbox and Playstation that's still on the table so when I say crossplay is not probably not going to happen I'm talking specifically about PC version and console version between those two because the PC version this the way the saves work is very different compared to the console version, but the console version is like between the different console versions they're more similar and Sony and, Microsoft do allow crossplay and and stuff like that so that is that is not crossed out I don't think we've made a decision there yet as to like what the what we plan to do there I just know that we're leaning towards not doing it between PC and console like because ites messes up how, like a release schedule like how we do patches and stuff would be affected by it because we would need we would be required, for a couple of reasons to have parody between console and PC, so, yeah that's why we kind of lean towards not do it because that means that every time we want to push a patch on PC we would need to wait for console and console has like a lunch of like certification, requirements and whatnot and it like once you have a patch actually takes quite a while when we have a patch on PC we can push it at the same day but on Console that's not the case, and I also remember people talking about like can't you just have it so that like one version on PC is imper but I don't think they allow us to do that I think it's like if we want to have ear not if we want to have like the 1.0 live version it needs to be in parity with the the console version because otherwise otherwise we also need to have like an experimental version on console and they don't support that so we can't really like it needs to be as not like we try to make it as not confusing as possible and just having like a PC track and a console track makes more sense for us, so yeah so so tlr we're leaning towards not doing crossplatform between PC and console we might still have have like crossplay between Microsoft and Sony, so if you own it on Playstation you can potentially play the game with someone who has it on Xbox but that's also not fully decided yet, we will give you guys more news on this when we talk about console, next year yeah, and, yeah we'll see how it goes