June 29th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: What do you guys hope to see in end-game?

June 29th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: What do you guys hope to see in end-game?


This question has 2 related videos, and 4 related topics
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-z6UlNwXqRCg">[https://youtu.be/z6UlNwXqRCg YouTube - June 29th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: What do you guys hope to see in end-game?]</ref>



what do you guys have to see an end game story for one mm-hmm I think the story is gonna be great I am like that presentations that hannah's done with the story it looks really interesting I can't believe to can't believe when we have like hulk hogan show up oh no I leaked that oh no no you're like oh yeah oh no now you like the voice lines


yeah that's right 1.0 is going to be written directed by hideo kojima and directors coming up with spectrum director's cut the kojima director's cut yeah oh no I linked I like the collaboration partners oh oh my god you have to build your way out of hogwarts oh god damn it just I just build your way out of hogwarts yeah I just sorry we just leaked that we're in the, star star wars universe no jays oh I'm sorry what this this whole stream has been such a train wreck holy and then at the end of the pioneer takes off the helmet and it's john wick oh it's just ah spoiled the main character no this is not exactly john white pulls off his mask and it's mulan oh it's lost wushu is the lizard you're a pioneer harry ah holy crap you look down at what you thought was liza doggett's actually morty from rick and morty oh geez milan ah jeez milan I turn into a doggo morty dude I can't believe it it turned listen till morning oh god fantastic so stupid I'm not okay I hope every stream is just derailed it usually is around 15. yeah this stream honestly started with the derails like yeah this stream has been a bit rocky the whole time honestly I've been like, tired brain's been mush all stream and I've just been like forcing myself through I'm like trying to try to answer questions you guys two more weeks oh my god yeah well what am I going to do when when you have a vacation I'm going to have to hold the fort by myself oh no oh you're dead awesome it's funny it's fun