May 10th, 2022 Livestream
Q&A: Is there any part of the Map that's been changed for gameplay reasons that you're sad about?
This question has 2 related videos, and a related topic
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- April 18th, 2023 Livestream: Q&A: What Biome have each of you spent the most time in during development?
- Dune Desert
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<ref name="yt-z1tc_bgoMM4">[ YouTube - May 10th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Is there any part of the Map that's been changed for gameplay reasons that you're sad about?]</ref>
has there been any part of the map that's been changed for gameplay reasons that you're kind of sad about or like has it I phrased that question really weirdly but no I think I know what you mean yeah, like like, something like that I made or that was made before had to have be changed because gameplay requirements I mean yes and no it's a constant sort of balance between between like visuals and gameplay and generally gameplays, because that is that is you know the visuals can can pull somebody in but generally we don't gamepl we don't wanna make like affect that negatively in any sense so yeah like I've had to you know maybe make things more more open or more flat like the, satisfactory doesn't have a lot of these kind of slopes too much because that would be really annoying, unless that's kind of part of the area challenge we do much more like plateau kind of height differences in general in the entire map because, terrain needs to stay relatively flat for like a lot of the factories to to build nicely, so that's like a big of a big sort of restriction with how we we built the map although I occasionally I push it a little bit with stuff like this it's like ah this this is just a challenging area for you now yes, building on the desert is annoying for that exact reason yep that's that's the whole point it's oh it's so beautiful and open but nope get wrecked