August 22nd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Do you have a team/group/person dedicated to Story?

August 22nd, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Do you have a team/group/person dedicated to Story?

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I know a story is planned for release 1.0, is that in parallel development to these functional changes do you have a team group person devoted to so yeah the way it works is we have we've had our sins update five I think or four a long time ago the team has been sort of divided into two teams almost but it's not really because we both work on these two things at the same time but resource wise this is how it's been divided so half the team have been working on 1.0 content and half the team have been working on these updates that you guys have seen so update six seven and eight, are all part of like that other team's, plan and while they've been working on that another part of the team of working on 1.0 stuff and that's new content that's going to end up day 1.0, and also systems these are kind of like the things that you're also seeing as merging into the main branch because these are stuff that the other team's been working on, to merge into so for instance the Unreal Engine 5 update was all part of the 1.0 team at first because we were looking into like you know that was for the future, so yeah it is it is divide and conquer, there's a lot of work that you guys haven't even seen, that has gone into the game that you will see in for 1.0 so looking forward to that unveiling that stuff I know a story oh wait they're already answered this question but yeah story's part of the plan 1.0 release