January 12th, 2021 Livestream State of Dev: Coffee Stain new office (Part 2)

January 12th, 2021 Livestream

State of Dev: Coffee Stain new office (Part 2)


This video is a continuation of a previous video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-yU3v4BNnUPU">[https://youtu.be/yU3v4BNnUPU YouTube - January 12th, 2021 Livestream - State of Dev: Coffee Stain new office (Part 2)]</ref>



hey all right you guys okay so I just want to say I hope you I hope you enjoyed that video but I want to say you guys were so funny through that video snoot and I were just sitting here laughing at everything you guys were saying so good actually good hit the barbecue place that was so good yeah yeah oh god all right it's like the nice cable management again yeah it's top tier cable management if you want to see it again here's the link to the video you can go there smash like for some reason they don't allow comments on their videos which is really stupid but whatever, but you can smash like you can smash that like button yeah and, they put out pretty cool like videos in general about what's going on in the embracer group which is like the whole collective of game developers that are part of the embracer group which is us and like a bunch of other yeah there's a lot of interesting stories out there and they're gonna do more things and not a lot of studios or companies out there kind of do this so like, you know and I know some of the videos that are coming up that they're doing and, you don't usually get videos like that from from game development companies or publishers or anything like that so, definitely check them out definitely check them out they're putting out some cool stuff some cool stuff