May 3rd, 2024 Video Belts & Pipes

May 3rd, 2024 Video

Belts & Pipes

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tuning so if you ever use belts then you'll be happy to know that we've optimized those significantly belts and pipes currently exist within like sort of unique instance groups in updated meaning that like each length of belts between connection points was sort of managed by themselves but in 1.0 they're going to be pulled together instead this is a big computational relief for your CPU as it won't have to work through as many instances of belts and pipes as it currently does so now instead belts and pipes, belong to like fewer but bigger pools and now instead we're relying on the GPU to do the heavy lifting gpus can work extremely fast even when computations are chunky in size which is why for settled for this like fewer but bigger approach this helps stuff like Shadow rendering a lot since shadows will also belong to massive pools being calculated and drawn rather than like many individual objects or like smaller groups it's also great for instances where many small belts occur frequently which tends to happen a lot a prime example of this is manifolds where you know belts currently have to be computed per belt no matter how small they are, which they tend to be in manifolds, after this change again they're pulled together and the DPO will just like show it all through one thing that a lot of people ask us about is is whether we're going to use nanite for conveyor belts and we did play around a bit with nanite splines to try and like optimize the belt but in the end we sort of ended up settling on our own instancing solution because we found that it worked better for our game speaking of objects that