May 3rd, 2024 Video State of Dev

May 3rd, 2024 Video

State of Dev

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but development for satisfactory is still going strong and actually speaking of which, that's sort of the second thing I wanted to address here, and it's sort of you know give you a little bit of a state of development because it's been a while since we published a video here on YouTube channel so, yeah we've been very busy behind the scenes managing the Clos beta for the select few that managed to get picked around a thousand is people have been playing the Clos beta now for a couple of weeks and the general feedback that we've gotten has been pretty positive actually and, it's been a it's been really refreshing to hear all the nice things that people have said there's obviously a few technical things we all already knew that and there's going to be more of that down the line but so far everything's looking peachy actually so with this last bit of feedback we're now gearing up for the final push and you know hopefully it won't be long until we can maybe announce sort of a release de or something like that who knows exciting times anyways with that out of