August 29th, 2023 Livestream Snutt Talk: Preference for building Power plants

August 29th, 2023 Livestream

Snutt Talk: Preference for building Power plants

00:00 Intro
01:11 Trying to recall the placement & spacing of Coal Generators
02:28 Avoid optimising too early
03:05 Floor Holes
05:32 Pipe shapes
06:21 Community FYI: I've just noticed the floor textures
07:10 Sandwich layers & margins
07:44 Discussing how Water Towers work
09:53 Forgot to get coupons
11:22 Making power plants modular/extensible
14:21 Always making sure that the math is right
18:01 Discovering Merger/Splitter upgradeability
20:09 DLSS artefacts
20:25 Figuring out placement of belts, pipes, and water tower
23:20 Community FYI: If you put the splitter on the lifts then you won't need the belts
23:25 Trust issues
25:12 Figuring out placement of belts, pipes, water towers, and Water Extractors
28:02 Snapping Water Extractors to Foundations
29:20 Figuring out placement of belts, pipes, water towers, and Water Extractors
32:48 Figuring out the piping
38:58 Q&A: Does vertical or horizontal placement of Pumps make a difference?
40:21 Q&A: It would be great if you could see how high on the pipe the headlift from the Water Extractor goes?
40:58 Plumbing the water tower into the Coal Generators
42:50 Planning plumbing with post-it notes
46:20 Q&A: What kind of pen is that?
47:17 Plumbing in the dark
56:44 Pondering about improving usability of guidelines
58:10 Finishing off the sandwich layer
1:03:23 Finishing off the water tower
1:06:11 Connecting resources to the Coal Generators
1:10:03 Q&A: Horizontal Stackable Wall Supports?
1:10:51 Q&A: What's this playthrough for?
1:11:47 Getting the Coal Generator facility powered up
1:17:31 Q&A: Does Snutt like Pokémon?
1:18:28 Cleaning up while the Coal Generators fire up
1:22:06 Summarising the water tower
1:25:00 Finishing touches / cleanup
1:28:03 Outro

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-y8zVaIiizQo">[ YouTube - August 29th, 2023 Livestream - Snutt Talk: Preference for building Power plants]</ref>



I have a like way I like doing gold power plants but I don't have the all the buildables for it the way I usually do them is the way I do it in the, in the, teaser video I made for the the power Towers like that power plant is like how I typically make him I like the, like the oil rig kind of look I actually don't remember how I used it to them satisfactory Power Tower all right let's get to it let's go gamers oh I gotta I gotta remember that we have this now


space for this actually hold up I gotta I gotta do I gotta research how I how I did this open the video because I think it's, one two three between so the next one starts here ah whatever it's fine I'll just rebuild it if I need to like I think that's the I talked about this last train too but like the fallacy I feel like when people play this game is like they tend to overthink early on and like try and optimize too but quickly and, it makes the game way harder early when you focus too much on that too early I did unlock floor holes right please think God so so happy right now you're a floral how dare you I'm Gonna Get You whoops we got him let's see I can't quite remember how I do this no please stop I didn't mean to do that is that connected wait is that connected I usually don't like doing this because it makes it so hard to tell if there's like an issue here plays it on the player plan first is that how is that no passive aggressive this is how I'd done that in the video but my God I keep forgetting I got used to the fact that see I'm not getting any I think it is I think, whatever this is apparently how I done it because I think this is the length for the floor hole for pipes to be correct as well I think that's why I've done it that way which one do I prefer this one or this one yeah no I think it's way for I think it's one step more I think that's how we're gonna do at least because I do like seeing that is Flowing on the belts but this might be the distance where the pipe gets all screwy or not yeah that's fine yeah I think I prefer that honestly just noticed a crisp floor textures I think yeah I think that's, they I try to figure this out last string as well and I wonder if it was a texture quality we didn't really improve and I wonder maybe it's because that setting isn't working the way it should be working or if it's something else or if it's dlss but I don't think it is I don't know I don't know what's up with that, okay so that being said usually have one going around the entire thing which I have and then yeah that's it so let's go down I'm gonna make a temporary thing here so I can work on the underside, also sometimes when I do this I also set up a water tower and the way those work is there is a way to get lifts working in this game without using pumps it's not intuitive don't do it chat will not forgive wait if I do a water tower Oh you mean I play in 1080. no cheating it is intended water towers are easy, theoretically yes I tend to mess them up though and I get confused, or the new meta they've been in the new meta for a while remind me please I never use them this is the thing I also have to remind myself because I'm I'm, we could we could try let's let's go for it and then we'll figure out if we can remember or not because they are sometimes a little bit finicky to figure out I feel like, especially if you have a lot of pipes, but it should be fine since it's just like three we only have three extractors for this setup so should TM be fine oh my God it's Taco here oh my God it's Taco holy I didn't realize until I saw that enough because the way the what you do is you have you have one Tower where you feed up all your water and then you build a water Reserve at the top and then you feed them back down again and then you interconnect that pipe to all the other pipes you're using, and you'll get the head lifts from it's it's it's the you'll get the headlight from the tower because you'll get the you know it's the whole point of how water towers worked it's physics okay so bring any coupons I forgot to buy something that's fine it's fine I don't need it I don't need it oh it's fine this way it's fine oh I don't have any power I need to do this anyways because I need to put it up no not not the hog remains too late damn it whatever it's fine it's fine yeah I could do that I could have just built the battle something like after effects added them in, whatever mistakes were made oh we have the customizers all right give me that all right now we have everything, wait how much coal does one so I plan to extend this further so like it's right now it's just eight but we can't make 16. if we keep building that direction so that's that's a tip that I think, yeah it's good to know when you play this game, and if you don't want to like dismantle too much and stuff like that like if you set up your production lines so that you always have it so you can like keep building further down and like either use a manifold way or just set up the building so like you can easily hook it up and keep going so like if you build you know a set where you're producing with smelters or whatever you know you build like you start off with two right you set that up and then you can be like have a manifold going here if you just sit up so like okay now we're gonna build more you're just gonna extend the platform so add two more and you keep going like that so that's that's a really good tip I think in general when you start off because it makes it way easier to expand and that's sort of what I'm thinking here too it's like I'm gonna be able to expand this this rig here when I add like more stuff, but the thing I want to figure out now is, let me get the other side too so I can see that how far apart was it it's like okay wait did I not hold up no I didn't it's like oh it's one more so that foot should be on the Gadget very nice pretty you know I feel like I don't have clearance enabled took way too long for me to notice that fantastic what are we building we're making Coal Power look at that we're gonna just get so much pull go so much power so much coal much much wind it's gonna be dope, I don't remember how I usually do the the stuff underneath, look at the cat over there which coal is one again wait no what the oh right I keep no codex wait it doesn't say how much coal is won 15. thank you just want to make sure I've done the math right yeah okay thank you because it's like an even split right yeah of course it is duh this is a habit that I have by the way from from programming, and I'm like embarrassed that I'll do it on stream constantly but I have a tendency to like when I'm programming I always make sure every every small thing that I'm making always make sure that the math is right in every single like incremental step because there's been so many times in my career where I'm like trying to figure out like a very complex problem when I have like multiple calculations going on where I've just like mixed up using like plus where I should use a miners or or you know like stuff like that and so I have a tendency to whenever I do like super super like everything I do in programming I'll be like okay so I want X plus plus this and it'll be like yeah it's two times four Okay cool so like I'll get the expected result and I check myself on everything and I swear to God I'll do this like for everything I do so I'll do this like two times two that's four okay cool for sure, but from the outside person looking in it'll look like I don't know how to count so like I'll do the math in my head and then I'll still do it on the calculator but for anyone just looking it'll just look like what's five plus two again it's seven okay cool cool so yeah that's just just putting that out there you know I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't know what two plus five is you know what I mean always show your work yeah it feels better for me when like I know or like where things go wrong good cover-up thanks I figured it out, right so I think the way I do it is God I really want to open up that build and look how I did this, but what I think what I do is I have one splitter at the corner you'd think like once you've done this like 14 times or whatever how many times I've done this you would like that was wrong can it wait can you update by the way I'm kind of curious if you haven't placed this can you wow when did we add this I don't remember this that's pretty dope when did we have that feature that mergers are new that's not what I meant I don't remember you being up able to like upgrade them between them if you haven't placed in the belts yet that's pretty cool that's pretty cool who thought of that probably some designer not in Update 7 for sure can somebody confirm this can somebody try that in update seven because I don't I don't remember that being a thing I remember us talking about this internally we're like it is new and updated cool because I remember us talking about this internally where like yeah if you place a splitter and you're like ah I meant to place a merger and you haven't hooked it up like you should be able to to switch because like there's nothing I hooked up to it I'm pretty sure if I hook this through this now I won't be able to do it yeah now I can't do it anymore oh wait I can't wait oh it works because of that I can't flip it though okay see if I do this yeah now it's like can't match all connections that's pretty cool I don't have this marshmallow right now but I assume it's the same thing that's pretty neat I didn't know we did that wait oh that's interesting do you guys see this like red thing happening here that's the LSS like this weird fade thing happening cool, actually I could just place it here yum yum yum no wait, okay I think I did belts on the outside and then pipes on the inside so I do oh one it would be nice if I could rotate this as well is that what people are talking about when they're talking about the nudge thing and they wanted like I'm learning this game is me afraid of my cat good I should probably place maybe not cool and then we'll do the same thing here and it's one in Ching up maybe it is and I'm just dumb oh wait I'm looking at the wrong place in the venation it does match up yeah cool I don't feel like it does but I think it I mean it must right hello oh I just didn't see that cool and then we'll keep doing that and then for pipes we want the pipes to go, if I want to extend this and probably need to build the water tower here all right, if I pull the waters out if you put the splitter on the lifts you won't need the belts, like I mentioned before I like having the belts because then I can physically see connections actually happening because I don't trust the game I don't trust that that's working because like I wouldn't yeah technically the water tower doesn't be need to be this tall because the whole point is really like you want water to be elevated above where the intended like like introduction line is so you want the water to be like a higher level than you're actually feeding it in, if I add another like, floor for this Factory I'll need to increase the height of the water tower but for now we'll just do this, have I not unlocked the, it's an organization right there we go oh no I need frame foundations or modular frames I mean I don't trust the game The Game's Community manager well you know what I mean like I worked on this okay I don't trust it I think every every Creator's ever said that about anything they've ever made it's like whoever invented the car I don't think they would ever use the car I think I messed up the platforms but I can probably play with it okay and then let's do okay the tricky thing is like figuring out how to do the you know the, the piping though this is the part of this game that I would like still struggle with like figuring out where things go in terms of space I've always struggled with that what's the auto save it's pretty quick whoops I thought I could walk on that space is a resource that's for sure, because we want to do oh wait is this even here the platform itself is too long oh wait oh the water structure is so much bigger than I remember oh we don't goofed son I guess I could just put them behind the platform it's not what I like to like to do I like to have them like following the direction of the well that's on me I guess I don't see a problem here that tells me more about you than it does about me I guess I don't know after I thought about what I just said I feel like I don't think that made sense, yeah that's true ground up is better all right whatever that's this is also a hot tip by the way, if you're wondering why I'm putting down these like foundations is because when you put the water extractors on the water they won't snap but if you use oh you can't nudge the water structures oh interesting, but if you use foundations you actually snap to the foundations and then they will align with whatever foundations you use next to them this might be yeah you can also line into the pipes, I think it's easier here though because I don't know how like I need the water Strikers to know how I want to place the pipes you know so it's like the Chicken and the Egg kind of situation I think one more to the yeah the water strike is in the pipe question exactly actually my okay so where are you in in, it's a coal generators by the way so I need three is is like the first tricky thing is we need I already forgot is it 45 water per for I think it is right so one extractor is 120. well 120 times 3 is 360. which evens out to to the amount of coal generators we need but the pipes only carry 300., so we need to carry, them unevenly in the pipes but it's easier to create a loop yeah you can use this for as a calculator not much we should add chat to GPT here too how many coal generators yeah do pipe loop from both ends easy until Mark two so that's what I intend to do what I also intend to do here is to utilize the water, Tower so I won't need pumps for all of them I only need pumps for one line I guess what I should have done built this first so I know I also feel like I need the extra space I'll do this just to get a reference okay so we'll do that like, yes dope and then we'll do this is I'm I'm gaming right now holy so focused cool fantastic okay ah and then we'll do I haven't quite figured out how to do the piping yet but we'll get to that when we get to it like also, I want the horizontal the vertical it was already correct cool, I still haven't quite figured out how I do this logistically we'll just go as we go okay do I have need to unlock that too that was two coupons oh we have three okay never mind


I wonder if I can do like a wait oh I had like a vague memory like it's not too low for pipes it's only for conveyor belts that doesn't look correct either wait hold up or just do wait am I a nerd this seems lower the walls apart behaving the way it should it doesn't matter I always thought oh never mind whatever please hello I think it's better if it's aligned with this I'll redo it later if I don't like it do here to oh dude no I was hoping I could do like yeah yeah we can we're gonna do some Arc here okay so I want to do like a curve thingy I'm not sure what's doing this thing, here and then what happens we just do straight up no that won't do it here whoops, beautiful what do you mean spaghetti pipes this is gorgeous that little maybe should like whoops okay wait oh it just won't do that okay what happens if I just do actually kind of dig what the hell yeah maybe I'll just do regular old boring whatever, cool and now we just hook everything else up the wrong button every time, wait it needs to come down as well no Sherlock put it on yeah I did this vertical or horizontal placement on pump making a difference no they only pumps only do you have left right so they only pump upwards doesn't matter if you put them like I could have put it here as well like I'm gonna put it here, it's like the only thing that matters is you can see it on the indicator here like how much is going up so like you can see on the pipe like how much headlift you got this is because I have the other pump open so you don't probably see it here but you can see like the full headlift here so like you can see the indication here that this pump will go all the way up we'll see oh my I might do it around, it doesn't nudge like you can't nudge this I think you know building camera but at least you can stick it there so you can like see and walk around and look at the headlift and and make sure that like you're getting the half lift that you need would be really great if you could see on the pump how high the headlift from the extract already goes yeah that's another good point because I actually thinking about that just now where it would be nice to see like because you know that this is what is it, or maybe it doesn't say actually because I think the default one is 10 meters from the or is it 15 yeah it's 10 okay it doesn't know what clear indication of that it's like two and yeah not quite this distance, all right let's see if I can figure out how to pull the pipes here so, I need I actually need all the holes for this well there it is cool maybe I should just pull like the thing I know right now is I know that I want all these belts here so I might as well do this now what happens what tends to happen is when I do this and I'm like yeah I want the pipes here and I want the blah blah blah here and then I'm like no that's actually not what I wanted to do and I have to rebuild everything love it this nudge thing is, I need to get used to using it but God damn it's very useful, okay check it's time to check here so if I do 45 45 times 4 180. no ah yes yes yes so if I do one pipe so if I do okay if I do one one extractor goes all the way back and then it merges because, okay this is my question actually because I don't think this is a good way to do this this is my understanding of at least so if I have these three pipes, the way I've always done it is actually draw this I just realized this is suggestive okay Okay so this is how I wait this is terrible drawing actually redo God damn it no shut up don't clip that I'm professional okay, so so this is just for the two pumps right so one way I've you can do this what the way I've usually done it is I usually put the next pipe in between here like the third one so it's like in the middle of the chain but I'm wondering is it fine to just put it at the start so like like if this makes sense Ms paying for the win this is even more crude it doesn't make sense because like this is one pipe coming in and seating up at the back end here right and you have another pipe coming in from the front and then splits off but the second pipe the third one then would become at the start here I think this is fine right yes okay cool because what I've usually done is I usually try to always squeeze it in in between so it's like an even flow everywhere, but it's logistically easier if I put like put it at the start what kind of pen of that well I'm glad you asked because it's our official I need to block out my face it's the official I'm holding it upside down it's the official satisfactory pen It's pretty dope I'm all right it's pretty cool actually because it's got like, three different actually I think it's four four different pens so it's got like one typical like black ink or whatever but you also have you can switch it to red or blue which I haven't done yet because it doesn't have the to remove the thing look at that look at the three different you can't see on the camera there's also pencil in it as well which is pretty you can't see it whatever It's pretty dope now it's dark, okay so in this Loop this needs to come back man I can't see I shouldn't have done this pipe actually I just realized it would have been easier this this pipe was just going straight wait turn on your flashlight I got it Chad I got it don't worry, I don't know what happened there let's come back I think this is a pretty good spot oh no I just realized wait oh yeah thank God like do I need to unlock a second one for that dumb dumb thing, oh actually it might not be enough oh maybe I don't need this actually I can just do this is always a bit finicky it's not an even right so I also like to put, like what I also like to do is is place like call generator, and then wait call generator and then I put a power storage and then a cold generator and a power storage and like alternate, so that I won't get right into this issue where like I have super tight like setups for the alternating thingamajig was that the right one it might have been noodle oh no wait oh wait Daniel annoying this would be one layer down wait wait do I need to do one more to get rid of the bend my God or up one what's the logic here not on floor wait what do you mean, First Connect both floor holes to each other and then place but they're not, see I don't like doing that either hmm ah okay wait if I do this though it will it will snap right is that lined this one's line right I don't know if I've ever encountered this issue actually aim at the ceiling oh that's why okay that's why I didn't recognize that issue okay I don't know why I didn't think of that because I'm an idiot can we Zoop signs yet no illegal thank you cool how are we doing on time Oh I thought I kind of wanted to finish this hopefully we can if I oh boy we gotta commit I'm good cookie how are you doing I'm getting this thing set up okay come here quit yeah all right we're doing this thing stress building, let's see here one two three four five six wait huh can I not count one is already plugged in okay or one row I guess one two three wait what the am I doing almost fell out I was so confused right now one two three four five six did I miss to put in floor holes somewhere no what the chat help me I missed the junction wait oh okay now I see what I missed I missed the like I didn't miss like the collection I missed like okay now it makes sense I need an adult I just want to go home oh God what happened here all right now we're cooking okay that explains so much I felt like it was going insane for a second very nice very nice that you aren't mutually exclusive shut up all right and then we just hook up the, the rest of the belts do they wait okay now it's confusing because like there's so many grid lines happening now, I wonder so I've been thinking about this a bit lately when when it comes to the guidelines, I wonder if we should do it so like when you're using the guidelines it also well obviously there's a couple of edge cases here where guidelines just straight up won't do stuff but I wonder if we should make it so like when you're lining this up like it will highlight whatever it's being like like, aligned with as well so like it's lining up with the the floor hole or probably not because it's lined up to this like it should highlight that maybe- I'm I'm probably late to the party here and people have already probably commented about this on wow geez, on like the QA side and stuff like that, but this was like when I was doing this pipes and belts should not share guidelines I wonder if I feel like that could be a setting though because I feel like some cases I do want them to align like that but here I could be confused there's so many weird edge cases though, wait what's the wait is this a bug it's not flipping okay that was weird you place the lift on top wait on top that was no that was just strange there's there's no re there's no Rhyme or Reason that that was just that was just weird weird- I don't know there's no there's no no answer to that chat we were in the Twilight Zone there for a second cool and then we do the other side we can finally do the pipes the last fight build hello okay I still see people trying to to explain this there was no explanation to that chat that was just, that was just weird that was just like no explanation can be given for what just occurred I don't know all right and then lastly I need to hook up the the rest of the pipes did I accidentally no okay no I just realized something it'll be fine when when we have, steel frames because that's what I want to replace this with there's a little bit of clip in here don't don't worry about that ignore that it's not there okay chat it's not there pretend it's not there you're a steel friend how dare you oh God it's, I kind of want to like put them close and then do I guess it just doesn't do it when it's close enough you wish foreign that's the official term for it no that's that's clipping one more, that would be nice once I get rid of the indicator keep going to the end because like this will be somewhat easy to oops that was one or two Mini thank you very nice so used to doing the slide jump constantly wait you let your foundation orientations mismatch wait what do you mean nothing the not the horizontal one the vertical one is a bit messed up right now yeah game body seems very loud okay let me pour it down I was there's a little bit of ducking on, so it should only be like when I talk but all right and then lastly I'm gonna fall into the water remember when you couldn't jump out of the water that was great that was a good sign wasn't it huh oh my God I should have double checked, I think the water I think the water tower will still work with the what the hell's going on here wait do I need to how did I do it just, oh it was because it was in the middle oh no chat we need to rethink this,


how do I, God damn I want to keep pressing the wrong one that's fine no that's fine that's fine and then we need to do straight down it's fine there we go cool and then just just ignore that just ignore that hey every time I hear say it's fine it's a doggo that's also what I'm like that's what I see in my head as well I'm just gonna pull stuff down here and this is when I find out I don't have enough Mark two belts here, just to see if everything runs and and then we can tidy it up a little bit and I will go over a little bit today just to go through the last setup q a this is when I would have started that last batch but I really want to finish this so it's for the Arts man same deal here I'm going to tidy this up probably need to come back because I want all the build pieces oh my God remember we couldn't jump out of the water before I don't know if you guys remember that but that was hella if you're I don't remember when we we fixed that I think that was update three but there was a time when you couldn't jump out of the water that was was furiating foreign probably should have I don't know why I was like I'm gonna do it from the side maybe because I was stupid I'm classic new Miss page how many coupons do I have perfect


I could do, weird why doesn't highlight after I'm done, maybe I should do it first, is it one or two foreign s there they're handy sometimes such as in this case cool, okay, okay okay we need to hook everything up I'm just going to I'm still debating what order I'm going to do this in so I think I want water first so let's just pull also need to figure out how to where to put the power stuff what did I just build hello horizontal stackable wall supports wait I'm not quite sure if I understood what that meant when I want to tie it up later horizontal stackable like you want the wall supports to like oh wait you were talking about wall supports I thought you were talking about the the power that could be actually yeah why not that would be pretty sweet put on the Q side put around side


for some reason I can't see the reply fragrance where'd he go oh what's this playthrough for or are you just having some stream fund so I'm just switching it up a little bit for the Stream where we do a little bit of gameplay, it's like also an excuse for me to play this game I guess, but it's mostly because like I don't have quite enough time to prep for the usual stream setup and, they also wanted me to show off the game on stream so play play but it's fun I like it fun to play I never get the chance to, so I'm just gonna hook up some biomass generators I think I need through three two because I want to fill up the stuff like initially it was like because we wanted to showcase the new update like the experimental update but, yeah just gonna clear up my inventory a little bit and then make some solid biofuel this game gives me a headache and I love it that's a weird, oh this is gonna take forever actually let me just is it one or two sixty 20. okay right I'm thinking of Okay the reason why I thought it was three is because I also included the minor in that equation but right now I just want to get the water going so I can fill up the cold generators I also need to I think I need to hook these all up to like a poll right for them to, for them to fill what about pumps so this is the beauty with, this is this should work oh yeah that's true that's true God damn it oh no I didn't use the right one no I used the wrong one right we'll just keep that there but I'll fix that later yes we do need three give me that back all right now they should fill up yeah fix it later whatever satisfaction it's so true to life you know what I mean oh wait actually how do you do this again not cool no wait oh that was right never mind filling up with water actually I didn't need the pump to do the fill them up I made it all right that's filling up all right and then, let's fill that up I want to see if I can finish this up so let's see how we're doing so there's water in there it's water in there I guess you won't really see how it works until all right fantastic so let's divert the power now to the miner isn't there supposed to like be like a spitter here an alpha spitter what are you at boy all right I could no I don't know why I tore them down go go go do I like Pokemon which one is your favorite my favorite is Pikachu, my favorite Pokemon is probably I don't know if I have a favorite for some reason whenever I play Pokemon though I always try to include weeping Bell in my team for some reason I don't know why, but yeah it's a weird one but I guess the obvious answer must be that I that Evie's my favorite because my dog is named Evie that's a choice but I respect it fair enough fair enough, yes that's the one Neff yes here comes the thing baby baby baby oh I forgot I can't stand on it foreign that would be nice but then we need to add an animation for that but so much work making games is hard you guys okay I'm just gonna say why is wait why is that one booting up Oh wait coming together things are coming up Milhouse probably better to just like not


let these power on until they're filled up but yeah things are definitely doing stuff they'll slow down so like it's the water that's the important thing right so like this will take it this will take a while because the manifold leads to like unfold, but that's that's how you make a Coal Power Plant essentially and I hope the, I don't know if this the Water Tower made sense to people here but essentially the way it works is is, actually I need to hook this all back up again so I do need to figure this out one second wait do I not have huh I can't afford it anymore God damn it whatever no click for now foreign so yeah essentially with the water tower right is when you use it's a little bit simplistic in this case and I don't know if this actually shows the point that I have here but what happens is when you have one pipe, actually I think I might need to connect this to the first one as well we'll have to see if this actually pans out, or maybe whatever, so essentially what this does is when you have a water tank up here you only need to feed up the water to that level so when you then use the output from that this fluid buffer here and if you put that into your other pipes you have in your system then it will equalize the the height of the fluids like the, the what's it called the the up thing the, the the the, headlifts it will equalize through all the pipes because it will try to equalize with that height that it's up it's the same principle if you know if you put your water structures up and you feed them down you will get the same headlifts from from that headlift to all the pipes up until that level so you don't need to use pumps so you only I only need to use pumps for that one pipe that's going into the fluid buffer and then that pipe that's coming out for that will then equalize to all the other pipes essentially there's a really good video, if you if you search on YouTube like, water tower satisfactory there's a video by damn it satisfactory water tower I think total eclipse has made a video about this as well, but the one I'm thinking of is from scalpy, where he goes to explain like gives different examples of like how it works yeah it's partially accurate, it's not real real physics but it is technically you know the same principle, but it is intended like this isn't this is sort of like a this is definitely one way you can do it and this is a good way to save power because you need to you don't need to like power those pumps in the other pipes you only need to power that that one you know it's pretty close to how it works in the real life but none of the fluid dynamics in our game are fully realistic and that's sort of also intended, yeah it seems to be working fine all of these it'll still take some time for everything to fill up but I think everyone's no power okay this one isn't oh yeah I think that's just because no it's not hooked up let's see if it gets some fuel which will might take some time because the manifold takes a bit sometimes whoops oh let's go okay I'll do it later I'm busy right now very nice foreign stuff to kick in it's kind of like fluctuated back and forth now because the coal isn't properly fed in but I'll get there eventually did I unlock walkways video games aren't real well they're not they're just you're in your imagination ignore that clipping by the way it's supposed to be a steel Foundation more about it I don't need this anymore so I thought oh for now that one's filled up was filled up because this one's coming along now yeah this is pretty this is pretty much how you make a gold power plant so yeah questions questions on how to make a power product you just witnessed it clean up on all seven dope got cold power plants working on our third day this is gonna be in the test yes you need to be able to make coal power otherwise you won't be allowed to be on the Stream, I usually hand feed manifolds at the start yeah yeah I could do that too I don't have any coal on me but that was the stream essentially