July 4th, 2023 Livestream Queueing to get into CERN

July 4th, 2023 Livestream

Queueing to get into CERN


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-y1Znn6SBS6w,6081.718865,6280.816339">[https://youtube.com/embed/y1Znn6SBS6w?autoplay=1&start=6081&end=6281 YouTube - July 4th, 2023 Livestream - Queueing to get into CERN]</ref>



yeah we got to CERN and [ __ ] all the cues and [ __ ], I was I was rummaging through the project file so this recently- I saw like one clip where you're eating like a cookie do you remember the guy who gave us like a cookie that was like supposed to represent the, whatever it was you were okay so the clip was just you were eating that cooking you're so pissed off I think I filmed that like, super out of context okay but anyway that that that's pretty funny if you go back a little backpack backpack yeah you ever hear it right go from there P1 Atlas location home of the atlas experiment as well as part of the Large Hadron Collider oh this thing yeah okay


is there more because I think this is another funny part hey you know what this bad boy does me neither but it is science and to think about science is it works you know what doesn't work though your save files after update number three this update will be breaking the savings because of all these things that we're adding into the game however you can still use your old saves I've made a video all right that's it so good and then we have like the other the lies so do I luckily in satisfactory you don't have to deal with long experience but you have a big map that you want to travel around in so we've added travel tube so you can zoom around and and don't have to walk anymore cool and a lot of this stuff is just like made up on the fly yeah it is because like we didn't know what was gonna happen there's also a bit here where we film we filmed so much content that we didn't use for this video just because we didn't know was going to go into the video some of the stuff some of the stuff went into like way later updates so like for instance the the Hadron Collider was supposed to be in this update yeah it was supposed to be in it yeah, and then it wasn't and then we're like well [ __ ] so but I will still go to CERN and film the big pipe so there's a bit we film where like you're actually talking about the hater and collider but we didn't use it we had like two minutes there yeah we had like two minutes it's so surreal to think about this because like this is such a like Marvel in terms of like human engineering and and you know standing in this room was crazy because like this I've never seen anything like this in my entire life ever since like the whole weird because this is like this is 500 meters underneath the ground as well or something like that yeah something like that yeah it's really really deep I remember it was a 500 meters that's pretty far it was yeah it was it was very fun wasn't it yeah I can't remember wait there's a shot of the elevator yeah I thought so as well or oh this is when we're coming back up actually I think this footage is is reversed so this is actually us going down but the arrow points up did you flip the arrow upside down I don't know I maybe I misremember this okay yeah but, yeah we we had like two minutes, to film our thing we had a couple things to say get b-roll so I actually don't remember being there yeah like my only yeah my only and this was done in two