July 4th, 2023 Livestream Trip to CERN

July 4th, 2023 Livestream

Trip to CERN


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-y1Znn6SBS6w,5883.4113,6629.918155">[https://youtube.com/embed/y1Znn6SBS6w?autoplay=1&start=5883&end=6630 YouTube - July 4th, 2023 Livestream - Trip to CERN]</ref>



ass, so if you go down check out the, update three world's biggest pipe right there, at the top at the top come along one thing I want to comment on right now is that holy [ __ ] our thumbnails are so much better now oh yeah yeah than they were before because like I'm struggling to when you say like oh I'm like struggling to find which video you're talking about and now like the thumbnails we have now is like so clear which one is which maybe it's also because there's more reason, let's go and have some yeah so we went to CERN, where's the bit where I kicked the tires we're going to be sleeping in a plane there won't be planes in the game though but what we'll be in are some general updates that we're going to be adding to update number three and so that's going to include multiplayer fixes more bug fixes UI overhauls rebalancing the game optimization a lot of different things but before we do that let's just check out this bad boy looking pretty good, so yeah super cool this is like autumn in Sweden fall and it was kind of cold and I went to Switzerland street that I want to talk about and that is super nice we were this is the most stressful trip I've ever been on my channel this trip was brutal this is just super brutal because we were there for like three days total yeah and so the premise of this is that we're looking for the world's biggest pipe and the world's biggest pipe ends up being the Large Hadron Collider so it's you know only the greatest scientific Marvel that we've ever achieved and we're just saying like yeah it's a big pipe and that was the premise of the of the video, and so we had to go to Switzerland for it but the thing is like we didn't know, we only had one opportunity to go to go there and book a time to go and visit CERN when they had these open days there was no guarantee that we would see the Large Hadron Collider, and yeah like we just didn't know what was going to happen and also we were so far away from update three at this time that, we didn't really know what was going to be in the update so it was incredibly hard for student and I to like try and make this whole thing work yeah, and like even when we got there on the day there was only limited spots to go to the LHC and like the lines were so long and you know at one point we had to be like hey we you know we're here we're part of press they're like where's your press thing rather like [ __ ] our way to get it past one thing [ __ ] to get past the next one got caught brought back had to wait in line but we ended up we ended up actually getting in spoilers yeah yeah so this is the there's also I was wait this I mean this bit was really good though the wait where you just stopped that right yeah I was pausing just to play this again this year we got a pipe I had a rip you in half if it gets the chance you ought to be careful isn't she a beauty though, she's not what we're looking for though so we'll just move on yeah because we referenced throughout the video like was this the pipe nice it's too small pipe yeah, and then yeah we got to CERN and [ __ ] all the cues and [ __ ], I was I was rummaging through the project file so this recently- I saw like one clip where you're eating like a cookie do you remember the guy who gave us like a cookie that was like supposed to represent the, whatever it was you were okay so the clip was just you were eating that cooking you're so pissed off I think I filmed that like, super out of context okay but anyway that that that's pretty funny if you go back a little backpack backpack yeah you ever hear it right go from there P1 Atlas location home of the atlas experiment as well as part of the Large Hadron Collider oh this thing yeah okay


is there more because I think this is another funny part hey you know what this bad boy does me neither but it is science and to think about science is it works you know what doesn't work though your save files after update number three this update will be breaking the savings because of all these things that we're adding into the game however you can still use your old saves I've made a video all right that's it so good and then we have like the other the lies so do I luckily in satisfactory you don't have to deal with long experience but you have a big map that you want to travel around in so we've added travel tube so you can zoom around and and don't have to walk anymore cool and a lot of this stuff is just like made up on the fly yeah it is because like we didn't know what was gonna happen there's also a bit here where we film we filmed so much content that we didn't use for this video just because we didn't know was going to go into the video some of the stuff some of the stuff went into like way later updates so like for instance the the Hadron Collider was supposed to be in this update yeah it was supposed to be in it yeah, and then it wasn't and then we're like well [ __ ] so but I will still go to CERN and film the big pipe so there's a bit we film where like you're actually talking about the hater and collider but we didn't use it we had like two minutes there yeah we had like two minutes it's so surreal to think about this because like this is such a like Marvel in terms of like human engineering and and you know standing in this room was crazy because like this I've never seen anything like this in my entire life ever since like the whole weird because this is like this is 500 meters underneath the ground as well or something like that yeah something like that yeah it's really really deep I remember it was a 500 meters that's pretty far it was yeah it was it was very fun wasn't it yeah I can't remember wait there's a shot of the elevator yeah I thought so as well or oh this is when we're coming back up actually I think this footage is is reversed so this is actually us going down but the arrow points up did you flip the arrow upside down I don't know I maybe I misremember this okay yeah but, yeah we we had like two minutes, to film our thing we had a couple things to say get b-roll so I actually don't remember being there yeah like my only yeah my only and this was done in two takes yeah yeah and you managed in the middle of this part yeah this amazing pipe it's the biggest one in the world it doesn't look that impressive it seems like it's kind of blocked up just like I block up my pipes as well but yes we're adding pipes to the game they're gonna be transporting fluids and gases and things like that and also you're gonna have to face some challenges when it comes to verticality so it's not going to be super simple to just use it but, it's going to provide a new challenge for you all it's crazy that you did all that in one take yep on the Fly link to that yeah so that's update three video, but there's like a little unseen yes video right yes so we're gonna talk about this before so when we were there we actually ran into wait who was it again it's it's like one of the founding, yeah he's, he was one of the I think maybe project manager or something like that I think he talks about it in the video Yeah his name's Peter Yani and he was one of the original people who, worked to I think design and create the Large Hadron Collider, and we've talked about that we had- I did an interview with him and we talked about that we we did do that for a long time but we never showed the the video, but today now Lucky Day unveiled for the first time ever so again this is like I didn't know I didn't know what we're doing this is all ad hoc I know what it was going on I was trying to make something entertaining just so you guys know, but, yeah make it up as we go inside it's gonna be a little cringe but I think it's kind of fun and he was really friendly and super cool yeah so I really appreciate him this is also kind of raw as well so like you're not getting like yeah this is pretty pretty raw footage all right everyone I'm here with Peter Yanni, you know an interesting man from around here Peter what what do you do well I'm still enjoying Atlas I was, what we call the the spokesperson that means the project leader of Atlas since the beginning until 2009. oh oh wow that's that's super cool so how long has that time then that's you see it's not as for human beings when you know when you create, you have the ideas of the LHC of Atlas that was in the early 80s but then officially Atlas came into being 92 1992. in the early 80s when we had a dream about LHC and then of course with the colleagues from the machine I mean Evans in particular Joe chopriate these are two names and and a few experimentalists so yes I was from the beginning so how many supercomputers did you have to to use how many super computers that they were not yet super computers at that time many many generations of computers indeed yes okay did you use many, reinforced steel plates reinforced them but yeah a lot I mean Atlas is is as heavy as one Eiffel Tower so you can imagine that there needs to be some support see see we make a video game about factories and we are putting, hadron colliders in our game but we only need just a few super computers and some plates so, I don't know is are we do we have more advanced technology than what you guys are doing well well you know you need also some real detector some semiconductor some stuff like that I mean the the metal alone and the computers will not really well it simulates maybe a little bit the computer not the heavy not the steel place will simulate the accelerator and the LHC but then you need a lot of technology I can tell you of as I said detectors which which and magnets cryo magnets all these type of thing which is not just Steel I didn't think of that I never thought of that before yeah well anyway thank you very much for your time I'm sorry I'm too stupid to understand this physics but thank you very much for taking the time I appreciate that very good okay I hope you enjoyed the the visit and look at the real things I will I will thank you very much it's amazing oh that's so funny as I forgot about I didn't watch the entire thing when I sent it to you I forgot about the whole I didn't think of that yeah yeah no but but, big thanks Big thanks to him for taking taking the time he was super friendly he was just super excited to like meet a bunch of people and, and hang out so that was really really cool the the one really fun thing about that going to that that whole thing like the lhd like everyone we met with there were so into like science and like like I remember one of the people that were watching the lines he was like I have a PhD in in, whatever it was quantum faces or blah blah and it's like oh we're so out of our water here like oh we make games, and then we were in that tent and then someone was like oh my God and then they mentioned his name like he's here and and we're like do you guys want to interview him or like who is it like let's [ __ ] do it I mean sounds cool it was very cool yeah yeah we've hinted about talking about that, for quite some time yeah I remember now because yeah we do say that like we're adding the higher and collider and we didn't add the Hydraulics update three so that's why we we didn't put that in the video could you share your, browser again oh yeah I need to switch back yeah please no so yeah, man we time flies yeah when you're having fun