February 11th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: What job is "Tank"?

February 11th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: What job is "Tank"?

00:00 Q&A: What job is "Tank"?
02:34 Q&A: Why/how is Hannah a Tank- story time?
02:46 Q&A: Why is Hannah's title "Tank" but Mikael's is "Tasty Frog"?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-xzx-yi1GMP8">[https://youtu.be/xzx-yi1GMP8 YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: What job is "Tank"?]</ref>



can someone explain someone from Germany what job is tank it's it's a it's a joke about, I don't know if you're familiar with hero Shooters such as, OverWatch or was it Marvel Rivals there's a role in there, called tank which is usually like a character with a lot of Health maybe shielding capabilities that is supposed to be at the front line taking a bunch of hits to protect people do that deal damage so it's it's it's not a real job I'm going to get fired for that technically unless I guess you're a professional like player but yeah I hope I hope that I hope that helps also I don't only make spaghetti now you still I that's also something to touch on super quickly gameplay streams hopefully returning next week on this stream and I will show you that I can actually cook what's another like very tangly food you know you know what you need when you do something like that someone watching over your shoulder the entire time and commenting on every little thing that you do


right yeah help me exactly simarine that's the chat I'm was talking about the chat obviously not the burger- I brought out the burger which is my personal mascot it always scares him a little bit you want to see the burger here's the burger this is It's the burger this is it it's the Hannah Burger it's me it's me why is it actually perfect face size as well why anyway so cute how can you be intimidated by a face like that well that smile not see the resemblance it's uncanny right it's uncanny no it really is not all right fine be like that, let's see why how is Han tank story time, because- I am both protecting Mikel from himself and the company from mik true and true why is my tile tank when M's this tasty frog I don't know I thought it was funny it