November 5th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Who chooses the music for all of the videos?

November 5th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Who chooses the music for all of the videos?

Clips for the November 5th, 2021 Update 5 Patch Notes commentary originally streamed on

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who chooses the music for the videos assistant does all the music it's the music is well you select the music yeah the music is kind of stressful because they you know like what kind of music you want but you don't really have anything to pick from so like I really the way that I do it is just like I'm on epidemic and just like sitting there listening to tracks and like trying to figure out like what do I search for to find this mood that I'm in for the specific part and then like you always want to edit with the music because the music really like since it's arithmetic and it sets the tone you want to like do cuts on time and stuff like that so you can't really finish the edit until you have the music in place, because if you have like a cool edit and you throw music on it you're like this doesn't work at all so you always have to like make I always make like a rough cut of the edit like roughly what I want and then I try and find music and this time around I try to like find music early and not like wait because sound and like doing post processing and like you know making sure that everything is audible and stuff like that that's usually something you want to do last because you want to you want to freeze the edit, so that like you know that the edit is done before you start doing that because if you need to change something with edit and you're you've like fixed the audio whatever you have to redo everything so like when I do audio and like the all our talking points stuff like that there's like a bunch of stuff where you know if there's wind I have to like mask that and like figure out ways to like make it you know transition well into cuts and if you change the edit at that point you have to redo the entire thing, and that's the same thing with music like if you add music and you feel like you didn't work out then you have to change everything yeah you did a really good job with the music like another thing to to notice as well is that like like like you did a great job with like getting everything timed so that the music hits certain beats or timings within the the song to transition well so like for example when it's gonna wrap up so if you go to the end of the yeah the end of the epic section, it's it's all timed yeah for the music to end you know so like the last beat is like on the last like frame or whatever of a shot or like when the ball yeah and it's not just like any random beat it is specifically the beat that wraps up the song so like the the intensity of the song you know comes down and actually resolves at the end yeah another good example is the part where when we're teeing up for the last hole, the music kind of tells you what's going to happen and beforehand because it's like come on premiere you can do it because it's like you get that like fanfare almost type music like oh we're here yeah now that we added signs it's a lot easier to keep like oh we're gonna do it and then you get like that comic like cut off it just cuts when I [ __ ] up yeah and then when you use when you're hitting it it's much more like hopeful and like yeah exactly yeah so like a lot much warmer as well this next part is yeah what it picks up there so that's also like a huge part of editing is is you know editing with the music and the music is telling half the story almost and it's it's cool to see because like people can tell what's gonna happen based on the sound design so yeah