September 1st, 2020 Livestream Q&A: I'd love a feature for storage containers to empty out my inventory of a specific item

September 1st, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: I'd love a feature for storage containers to empty out my inventory of a specific item

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: October 6th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: Is there a way to deposit all of the same material?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-wpyixQuBb_E">[ YouTube - September 1st, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: I'd love a feature for storage containers to empty out my inventory of a specific item]</ref>



I'd love a feature for storage containers to empty out my inventory off of a specific item except I'll drag the item over the store all I can all of this, that already is in the game you can if you hold control and you drag the item it will move all the items of the same item