November 5th, 2021 Livestream Snutt & Jace Talk: Vinyl, gaming against bots, don't think

November 5th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt & Jace Talk: Vinyl, gaming against bots, don't think

Clips for the November 5th, 2021 Update 5 Patch Notes commentary originally streamed on

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vinyl is a lot better than tape ever will be same with vhs interesting maybe that's, I don't know I ha I own vinyl by the way I don't have a vinyl record I just like, buying I like buying new vinyl records when they're released just because it's like a nice extra thing to like support artists and such and they look cool they look cool yeah yeah hannah has quite a vinyl collection and sometimes yeah sometimes like when I go hang out at her place sometimes, she'll she'll like put on some vinyl you know and, yeah listen to music from the, an actual vinyl player record player that's so sweet, it's it's cozy I remember when I was a kid we were we would hang out in my friend's basement playing unreal tournament and we would listen to iron maiden brave new world on vinyl on vinyl that was the only vinyl he owned and he had a record player but that's such a mood unreal tournament yeah iron maiden vinyl yeah very cool it was it was but it was it was like our thing we did it like like almost every day for a long time took turns playing unreal tournament against the bots because there were no multiplayer times that it was fun against the bots I don't know it was like is this is ai just like boring these days or was it just more fun back then maybe it was just fun because we had nothing better yeah I think it's I think it wasn't as good I think it's that because like when I see my nephew and niece play video games they they do such boring [ __ ] like they can just play like rocket league against the bots and like nothing is happening there's like just running the cars but they're having like the time with other lives weird so, I think I think it's a bit of kind of envious yeah really yeah isn't that like ugh I wish I could like lose my sense of like it's the same like because isn't it just more important to feel happy than like what it is that's actually making you happy yeah and like not analyze the thing you're playing yeah you're just enjoying it yeah yeah because I recently played metroid dread and, I love metroidvania games and I'm just like constantly being like oh they did this thing oh interesting well I don't like it because they did it that way like [ __ ] yeah it's such a good game it's better to just chill out and enjoy it and don't think too much yeah just don't think you guys welcome to the stream that's the the message just don't think don't think don't think wow you just solve like everyone's mental health issues and if if only we knew just don't think