October 31st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Update EA Release in January?

October 31st, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Update EA Release in January?


This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: November 10th, 2023 Video Q&A: Update 8 on EA, when? https://youtube.com/embed/MfDPCzHzAJw?autoplay=1&start=23&end=79

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-wdYDzwKVouA">[https://youtu.be/wdYDzwKVouA YouTube - October 31st, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Update EA Release in January?]</ref>



how about Nea release on J in January this gives CSS more time without time pressure and avoid constant Poston postpone postpone postponements I don't know why that word looks so weird when I read it, year release, in January no we need to get it out before Christmas we need we need to get it out bro we also can't like, it's it's the constant of like we do want to keep working on new things, as well so like the longer we stay with update eight8 the longer we postpone like the general the general release for the game, and like at some point we just have to sort of decide that like okay this is good enough and then we can keep working on the actual fixes you know like because like a lot of the stuff that goes into these updates are temporary, just because we want the game to be as stable for you guys as possible so I don't think I don't think at this point, like we at this point we sort of need to release update we can't wait for too long anymore it's already been delayed for so long we sort of need the team to sort of like be able to let this go this update go and focus on going forward with you know what's coming next, and it's really hard when we're constantly stuck in experimental would you rather delay up to date until the new year instead of risking EA being funky while you're colle on your well-deserved break, like I just explained I it's more important that we get it out at this point, I don't think it's going to be funky because I think we are going to be able to pull it off and make it good enough, like it's going to be the same like it's going to be on par with like update 7even in some regards you know like in terms of in terms of funkiness but it's also for our wellbeing to be able to move on and not like keep delaying it I think I think, I think people at this office would be actually kind of annoyed if we delayed it more at this point, we just like want to I just want to move on my life I have I have things to do you know, yeah