February 6th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Are lasers a double-bluff or are they actually coming?

February 6th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Are lasers a double-bluff or are they actually coming?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-wQ3UPhxfI5A">[https://youtu.be/wQ3UPhxfI5A YouTube - February 6th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Are lasers a double-bluff or are they actually coming?]</ref>



are lasers a Double Bluff or are they actually coming who knows who knows maybe they are maybe they're not maybe they're already in yeah have you seen any maybe maybe it's just an elaborate scheme to, by the way I just want to mention real quick the leak was intentional- I just I think people figured it out at this point but that yeah but it was fun it was fun and another thing I was to mention about that by the way this is the second time where we Tred to like leak something and like get people to, to speculate and like cause big drama whatever and and, it's so hard because people are so wholesome in our community when we leak [ __ ] people are like no nothing happened it's fine and then like like for a Reddit people like delete comments like people that post the leaks deleted their own comments about the Leakes and [ __ ] like that like it's impossible we did another thing I can't remember what the previous League was, but we had one leak where we were hoping that like content creators specifically would like make videos about it and like speculate and [ __ ] like that instead they would [ __ ] DM us and be like hey by the way I think, this accidentally came out and I don't think, you wanted that and we can't say that oh my God we can't say that like no we want you to speculate it's it's like it's not real or whatever like in that position we're just like screwed no matter what so we're just like oh thanks [ __ ] oh God damn it this man was on nails last week but from from now on though if we do leak something please, don't don't spread it if anything leaks from now it's probably my fault let's be real oh [ __ ] yeah upate n that's the we release update nine like next month or something like that no yeah but that that that's so funny that like people, like reached out to us went like hey I think you leave something you should probably fix it or like we we TR we told people not to share it don't worry it's like [ __ ] I SP I work my ass off to get that to look serious but I'm pretty yeah but I'm pretty pleased with the the the leak that we did I think that was fun yeah, also really interesting to see how fast that [ __ ] spreads because we had that, leak on by the way the leak was that we had like a play playlist on our YouTube channel that was open but it was private so you can't search for it you can find it, and, I had that that was up for like a couple of days, and nobody saw it and then suddenly when one person found it everybody saw it so like the second I saw anyone mentioned about it I deleted it immediately, but it was too late so it's just, so so the the the lesson learned for any Game Dev watching don't [ __ ] up cuz you can't like soon as it's on the Internet it's it's gone it's it's too late not equal private yeah like Rockstar knows knows what what I'm talking about oh my God yeah dude it sucks leak sucks by the way when when when it legit happens like these kind of Leakes when it's like speculation [ __ ] like that that's really nice and it's fun, but when it's like leaks where people like oh [ __ ] the new GTA is coming out like that [ __ ] sucks so wasn't that a proper hack though yeah yeah yeah it's a proper hack where people, and like- I don't feel like we've ever leaked whenever we leak stuff, when we unintentionally leak stuff it's always been stuff where like this doesn't really affect us and it's I think it's fun and we can we can joke about it and that kind of [ __ ], even like you know I'm trying to think there's like we had one video for update six or something the priority power switch is is a good example of that for instance because like that that [ __ ] was leaked in update four and it came out in update eight, and it's like all right whatever it's not a big deal people can speculate, we can be like no I don't know what you're talking about der, yeah the fake timeline yeah I was hoping people would speculate more on that but, yeah it was funny we should have put something into like on somebody on somebody's desk in the game Jam video just a little something yeah we did have to delete some stuff from the game Jam video because I was Pixel peeping I was like [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah some stuff did not make the cut because oops leak soon or leak


often it's like a part of the the development process all right yeah yeah no some companies definitely leak information to see the communities react to it but- I think so the thing for that I the way that I see it is it it's really difficult to make a leak look real because even my leak like half of the people I feel like was like no this is not goofing which is which was the case I think people are really good at telling you know whether it's true or not I mean to be fair like your persona as a cm is kind of special as well it's like but I guess that's our branding cuz like we we always make we're always we're so unprofessional anyway so you don't you will never know it's like that, it's like if you play, what's that game called, spy party or whatever with people that you don't trust generally it's impossible to get a read on them and that's just like oh they're just doing that so that when you play those games with them you have no idea whether they're lying or not, everything was built up to Among Us yeah yeah Among Us is a good example like some people I play Among Us with I can never get a a read on


mhm, and that's just that's just how it is possible, but yeah yeah we're talking about leaks so like when when you do see


, I don't know it's it's it's I think it's impossible for companies to do proper leaks without people being able to call them out, cuz like if you and it's also like kind like weird wayb it is OB like when it's hard to tell and it actually wasn't intentional like then it's also like kind of iffy for a company to do that so, I think something like this like like your last attempted fake leak last week's leak was, kind of a tossup anyway I mean yeah people could assume trolling but also like this video was supposed to be big people knew that and, it might like it might have pertained to 1.0 which it did yeah and something like that is like probably something that people assume like no matter how much of a troll you are you probably did not mean to, get out intentionally now some people did assume that anyway and they were right you did that intentionally but you know yeah I think it was a very good attempt nice try nice try try again next time is and make sure to eat your leaks by the way what eat your leaks oh now I see what you mean my mind and somewhere else Let's, talk about something else now no excess veggies exactly mhm leak's, can you eat like a raw leak just by itself I think you can eat I was supp to say any veggie raw but that's probably not you can't you can't eat potatoes are potatoes vegetables no they're, root fruits what's that in English what's English going it is root vegetable see potatoes are vegetables you can't you can't eat potatoes raw sorry no you can you definitely can- I was I was thinking of the stem tube I was thinking of the stem there's like a famous, story in Sweden when we introduced potatoes, in Sweden, everyone thought they were poisonous I don't know if this story is true actually this might be one of those things where like you always hear this story and I was like oh that's how it was and then you realize like oh that was totally fake, another The Source nag yeah the S forchan, but like when they brought potatoes to Sweden everyone didn't want to eat them because they thought they were poisonous and this dude went on to like a big town thingy just like on a Podium and just stood there and ate potatoes and people were like oh [ __ ] he's gonna die and then he just stood there forever and just kept eating and nothing happened forever yeah I don't if that story is true another example is is gustava everyone thinks you know the whole him skiing thing mhm there's a whole [ __ ] it's a whole, competition just based on that story but that's apparently half true it's like not that actually didn't really happen oh or something like that I can't quite tell maybe some Swedish person here who knows more can divulge but yeah we have some big stuff in this world that is like born out of made up [ __ ] so not going to go into like the food pyramid or something like that I think that's pretty much debunked oh I have some I have some shots to fire at that pyramid BMI is another is another good one that one BMI see BM BMI yes, it is absolutely like it has the potential to be wildly inaccurate in what he's telling you but I think it's still like it's still kind of okay to if you are like you know Y and man or just a normal I don't think it is because like BMI was invented by like insurance companies to track like insurances and they would change the BMI based on like how many people would pay out on insurance wa really yeah so, I this holy [ __ ] yeah it was invented because they because they wanted to pay out less for people okay and still widely adopted especially in Sweden for some reason we still use BMI and like schools and [ __ ] so like there's a lot of like remember when I when I did my BMI I was like you're vastly un like I was apparently wait how was it yeah I was malnourished like I was my BMI was that I was underweight as [ __ ] which I wasn't, I was perfectly fine, and it just like there's there's peoples there's people that it says that they're like way overweight but they're just like normal weight so like it it depends yeah that's a good poke a good shout even if you use purely BMI you are probably very screwed yeah measuring like Health vosa happened but he was going in the reverse Direction wasn't it always also that like he he didn't go this the same distance that's supposed to be the the voso whatever like he he just like went a part of it and then he stayed at a hotel or something like that I don't know anyways,


what's up bro- I don't know my brain just broke for a second there, we're going to end the stream now oh [ __ ] overtime ah