July 6th, 2021 Livestream Localization Community Highlight: Localization Debug Mode

July 6th, 2021 Livestream

Localization Community Highlight: Localization Debug Mode


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-wK2NURlKWxM">[https://youtu.be/wK2NURlKWxM YouTube - July 6th, 2021 Livestream - Localization Community Highlight: Localization Debug Mode]</ref>



so I wonder if we can can we demonstrate those those ids then the string ids yeah sure so you should be setting up you got to do that yeah yeah so so I've got a save file read a set up here that's not showing up on stream there we go, we're going to be demonstrating some stuff right now I or something, what about finnish let's let's try that this one oh god well actually just open up that drop down let's just take a quick look at the languages but yeah yeah oh they can't see on stream oh right yeah so, there's there's a couple here and some of these I don't know what language it is because it's probably in that language yeah yeah yeah there's a couple including shakespearean and pirate I love that two most important ones let's let's swap the swedish here because I know swedish oh wow there's some words that I'm like whoa, yeah so so the thing we're gonna show is the debug things that you can see yeah yeah yeah and I believe this is a this is the public like early access version of the game so this is available for everyone really so there's this like swapping mode where you can have quickly swap to languages and there's a localization debug language so if I enable that and I that extell and I run over to like the you can do it in the menu you don't have all the menu again yeah so everything changes yeah so you see like oh I didn't switch it I think you forgot the console comment oh right right yeah yeah you need to enable it too what was the quick there we go so now you should yeah so now you should be able to see everything here so here's all the yeah the strings so every string has a corresponding id and the same thing yeah every string corresponds to any kind of description or any kind of string really of one crowding and when we find a string that's not translated or just think that's wrong we copy that string enter it over on crowding or localization software or website if you want to call it like that yeah and then we just pop it in there and delete that's directly to our string so let's, let's maybe let's just try that then, because you have crowd in open as well right I do so we can take a quick peek at what crowding looks like so crowded is an online, like I guess platform or something tool basically that, translators use so these are all the languages that are set up for satisfactory here on crowdin and some are translated some are not so if you yeah if you select any of the languages swedish I guess or whatever yeah yeah and then jump over to the computer computer assisted translation tools here we are