May 18th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Are there plans for Foundations with Conveyor spaces?

May 18th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Are there plans for Foundations with Conveyor spaces?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: September 7th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Foundations with holes?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-vcSdumvqOHg">[ YouTube - May 18th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Are there plans for Foundations with Conveyor spaces?]</ref>



are there plans for foundations with conveyor spaces I don't know if there are plans for that or not say that again you can always leave it on the, foundations with conveyor spaces so I guess you can put like conveyors through the floor oh you mean like moles for conveyors or like foundations that are built so that you can just drive foundations immediately I'm pretty sure they mean foundations with like space that you can connect send can be right right right through yeah because I know that some a lot of people really want that where they can similar to like how pipes work in my head I think that would be really sweet where you could you know similar how to like you can drag pipes through walls and like use the pipe mount thing yeah like do that but with, conveyor belts and then the same thing on foundations that's that's on my wish list