May 7th, 2024 Livestream State of Dev

May 7th, 2024 Livestream

State of Dev

00:00 Intro
01:38 Missed discussing vertex animations in last week's video
02:38 Optimisations for 1.0
04:16 Closed Beta Feedback

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oh let's let's talk about state of Dev because, we actually finally released a video last week we did yes exciting times it's been a month since last time even a bit more than a month actually you say that I literally cannot like feel it tangibly no yeah yeah it was- I felt it because people keep asking every Friday like where's the video, so I feel it oh they don't ask me why chat why aren't you asking me but, yeah we we, released a video last week on optimization that's com to satis Factory the thing that I knew was going to happen that always happens whenever we talk about optimization for the game is people are like well is this the first time you optimized the game I was like no I just literally said in the video, I'm going to post a link to it oh I forgot to post on Discord today whoops my bad where are you m we need vids we do need vids there'll be time for that to plenty somewhere down the line when the world is not on fire anymore Che out pass it on event and doing the regular oh state of death can't believe this is the first time shut the hell up first time you optimize the game yeah mhm it's it's been years in the making but here we are finally, what were we talking about, yeah we released a video last week, oh [ __ ] we're on say it up, we talked about optimization, I realized one thing that I didn't mention in that video by the way that I think would have been interesting to hear about is that we also changed, one of the systems when it comes to animating like the the Constructor I'm like the stuff in the game, where it's now using, verx animations instead of regular animations in the game which also safe so a ton, we should have included that in the video that was like the main thing when I came up with this idea for this video I was like that's the that's the first that came to mind and then it wasn't in the video that that summarizes exactly how our videos are made, so so that's a bonus for you guys joining the stream I guess you get to learn that which should fix a bunch of like issues where where when you're far away from your factory you don't see it animate I think it'll still be like that but it should be a bit better mhm, but yeah we released a video last week on on optimization stuff that we done for the game optimization done specifically only to 1.0, and it's always annoying because like whenever we talk about optimization it's always like a snapshot in time because like the stuff that we do like if you checked if you saw the previous optimization video we done like a while back, like some of those optimization techniques are not used anymore in the game, because they've been repl replaced by newer things, so it's always like a optimization is a never- ending battle as I said in the video and it's always changing, and, you know the further we get into development the more things we optimize and that's just how it is so maybe at some point we should make like a big oldal like here are all the things that we've had to do with satisfactory make it run the way it does, but that that feels like a bigger topic to talk about, sounds like a book it could be a book honestly you want to write it oh my God yeah no Ben has to write it yeah so so like there's a lot of stuff that's been happening behind the scenes, and, I don't know I'm pretty I'm pretty stoked for for like the state of the game is going to be 1.0 because I feel like it's kind of like compared to has been in before this feels way more stable and way more optim shaping up nicely yeah, what did I talk about in that video, yeah I talk about also state of development is is that like the Clos beta is has been running now for a couple of weeks, this is probably nothing new for you people on stream, but the close beta has been been quite good actually, we've got a lot of good feedback on like the general state of the game I think one thing we were bit worried about was like whether people would feel that like this is the version that will we can consider 1.0, and and as always we are a bit always like under we're always what's the What's the phrase here we're always, under promising, I was like oh it's a small update and then it turns out to be bigger than we than we felt like, and, yeah we were a bit like worried that like what if it's not enough what there's what if there's something missing and and and whatnot and there's always you know people are always like going to ask for more things, one thing that's a really good metric- I' say when it comes to feedback is when you don't get very D like when you go don't get an overwhelming amount of feedback on a specific thing so like when people are like yo, this thing in the game you need to fix this I think this is bad, that's not been the case the last, like weeks or so with the closed beta after patching it like that's been very varied feedback like people are asking for a lot of different things and that's usually a sign that like it's probably good mhm, we say that every time we have experimental usually at the start of experimental there's like one or two key things that stick out and then as as the game gets more stable suddenly the feedback is way more Broad and like varied and we can't do everything obviously, so when we get to the point where people are complaining about like small things then you know that's a that's a good quality check and also just like good reception as well like good not even feedback just good comments on quite a broad spectrum of stuff in 1.0 so yeah on the hold is looking, random yeah so so, it's looking very good so the thing that's like sort of the the last check for us before we go into like the next phase, I don't know we what we would have done if we were like oh we need to rework this entire part of the game because holy [ __ ] I don't know I don't know what we would have done but it's, it's nice now because now we're going into like the last step which is sort of finalizing and polishing, we're locking the content fully for the game, we left a little bit of room for close beta to be able to like react and adapt to, any last minute feedback that people had, there are some things that we think we're going to like fine tune a little bit more, and it comes to like I can actually kind of disclose this to like one of the areas where we feel like we're going to spend a little bit more time on is fine-tuning sort of like the the the core like I wouldn't say we're adding new mechanics but we're fine-tuning and polishing like the the building mechanics that we have in the game so like the way things snap and like improving a little bit how the guidelines work and stuff like that like we're at that point now where we're polishing that stuff and I think that's that's that's that's a telling sign that like yeah things are coming together