February 11th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: New Map, when?

February 11th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: New Map, when?


This question may have been asked previously at least 23 other times, as recently as February 2025 and as early as May 2020.
This question has 17 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-utZMzXFN3rc">[https://youtu.be/utZMzXFN3rc YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: New Map, when?]</ref>



so let's tackle the first one actually am I yeah I'm I'm in the, mod- I okay I will never I will never be able to outrun these questions ever in my life I think I think when I when I when I'm on my deathbed and I've got I've got all of my chosen family around me, one of them will be asking me satisfactory new map when which is what this question is yes I mean yes, so the the they ask satisfactory is amazing but the Curt map gets boring when played repeatedly are their plans for new or better Maps as DLC so it's a complicated question it depends like if that if if there is a DLC at some point that requires a new map of some shape maybe but, it's it's probably never going to be quite like with build bu it for like satisfactory 1.0, and also I would partly because making this thing with the amount of people we had and the tools we had was kind of insanity and we shouldn't have done it and we did it anyway and the cost was too high, and so we don't want to do that ever again, lessons were learned, and, I'm proud of it and I think, like a lot of people that worked on it are proud of the the work they did on it as well but yeah it's it is a big one so like that is it's a huge commitment, so there's not really like there has to be a really good reason for us to make something new and it's not something that like we're going to do lightly let's just say, and the amount of time it would need to make something like that is significant like it is it is like one one biome just not even making something from scratch but like an overhaul takes months, so yeah it's it's it's a question of like if we have at some point a really cool idea for DLC that requires a new area to be made for whatever reason we might consider it but it might be quite different from what the map is like now it might be Standalone because most like we're not going to like edit the map as is, anymore just that comes with a whole host of complications changing what we currently have in the game so yeah and I understand it can get boring but also like you know we we are the the the the people that we have that can do this work, it's not a large amount of people like we are we're not a huge team we're like 30 people right so something like this is It's a significant investment so yeah it's it comes with a lot of caveats and a lot of costs so it's a it's it's a complicated thing, yeah I hope that answers some of your questions but, yeah, I think I see sort of a variation on it in the chat actually is the if there's DLC that involves a new map would it be an entirely new map or just add on to extend the existing map in so way that's kind of I kind of said that like it probably would be something Standalone or something that's at least more physically separate from the map that exists just because of like technical reasons, and it's also going to be probably much easier for us to build something that way so probably it will be it would be separate either, physically or like fully behind like a in a different part of the game or something like that what the long and short of it good good yes yes yes