August 30th, 2019 Video
Jace Talk: The QA Site
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<ref name="yt-urT0gI_cP04,76,157.56">[ YouTube - August 30th, 2019 Video - Jace Talk: The QA Site]</ref>
pretty well so the next thing I want to talk about is our QA site which is where people can report bugs offer suggestions ask questions and the community can help each other out upvote and downvote things and whatnot so if we've said it we've talked about it before if you have any bugs that is the single best place to report blood blogs so report bugs a lot of people have also given us a lot of feedback about it's not really easy to use and there's some issues and a lot of people who are trying to offer suggestions are just getting mast down voted when you know their suggestion might be for a quality-of-life thing for a casual player but not for a hardcore player than they're getting down voted and I've seen this many times really good suggestions with like -5 votes so we've actually done something to address that specific thing we've removed down votes completely you can only up vote so if you like something you up voted if not you just move on and it doesn't get your up the vote that way people who people will not be afraid to make suggestions and I think we're still going to be seeing a good spread of what is getting a lot of attention and what is not we're going to be doing more updates on the QA side it's really hard search for things there's a lot of problems with it and we're aware of it and I've been wanting to work on it for quite some time but now I found some time to really focus on it with our QA tester and IT guy so hopefully we're going to be getting some results on the QA site pretty soon and I'll keep you posted on that too so the last thing I want to talk about is update number