August 30th, 2019 Video
Jace Talk: Some plans for Update 3
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<ref name="yt-urT0gI_cP04,157.56,267.3">[ YouTube - August 30th, 2019 Video - Jace Talk: Some plans for Update 3]</ref>
posted on that too so the last thing I want to talk about is update number three the big one and as I've said in a video before we were away on holidays and we had no idea what we were doing for update number three but we have been working on that and we have some vague ideas and some plans of what we want to do so that's good news so what I can tell you about that update number three is that we plan on releasing it around December at the end of this year so that's a big period big gap with no real meaty substance updates and the reason for that is if we do that we can put in bigger content like bigger systems or anything like that in the game so we may do that from time to time we may do monthly things not really sure yet but in this case we want to take a lot of time to put some big stuff in the game as for what we're gonna put in the game I can't tell you everything because we do want to keep some stuff hidden to build some hype but there are some other really cool things that I can tell you right now and that is we want to put in either mud support or dedicated servers or both if we can we think that there's they're both super important we have a really active mod community right now even though there's no mod support so we wanted to enable the modding community by giving them official mod support so everyone can enjoy mods at the same time we have a lot of network issues and performance and issues with non persisting worlds when friends are playing together and so dedicated servers will be very useful for that so these are two really big things and we need to choose which one we want to do if you have an opinion on if we should do what like if the priority should be mod support or the priority should be dedicated servers I would really like to hear it in the comments below I don't do the whole comment down below thing very often but this one we're genuinely interested in what you think should be the top priority so yeah that's pretty much everything today