September 7th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Will there be updates to the huge waterfall in the southwest corner of the map?

September 7th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Will there be updates to the huge waterfall in the southwest corner of the map?

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will there be updates to the huge waterfall in the southwest corner of the map the green hills area, I don't think so is that on the I think that part of the map is pretty set in stone right or am I thinking of a different area which bit I tuned up the wait let me go back the green south west corner there's like a huge waterfall, and there's like a kill box is it let me find southwest corner the island no not the island it's like you have like the grass fields and then like west from grass fields there's like a huge waterfall that goes towards that oil field remember that we showcase a lot let me see if I can pull up the, what's the name of the video is it the map changes one yeah exactly I don't think there's gonna be too much work there, looking at the map changes there's not supposed to be any work in the south west quadrant I guess you would say exactly outside of the red jungle exactly, one area that a lot of people will ask about is is another waterfall that's in the dune desert, oh we have that on the I keep forgetting it that we have it in the rescue press kit that's true true story let me pull it up pull up the other one the second one yeah this is for yeah after no no no no no the middle one okay the only one I didn't click on yeah the second one goes to the third one yeah so if you go to our website in our press kit you can find these maps there, and they're maps for like update five what's gonna happen on the map and also the path for 1.0 and I believe they are talking about like this area oh right well who knows it's not on the roadmap who knows yes I don't know it's a big old enigma who knows what the deal is with that yeah I guess we'll never find it you know what's really interesting is I genuinely don't know like like I got the outline of like what the changes were gonna be and that whole segment had nothing on it and I just didn't ask any question


I just I just threw it into photoshop and started putting this map together I was like okay it works like I actually don't know people might be like there's some conspiracy or something you know read really deep into it yeah sure sure go ahead


no go for it sure