May 18th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: What are the biggest difficulties when implementing a new feature?

May 18th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: What are the biggest difficulties when implementing a new feature?

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oh god chat going quickly it would be like that what are some of the biggest difficulties when you're into when trying to implement a feature I guess it kind of depends on what type of feature it is, sometimes it's like easier if it's a completely new feature that has nothing to do with anything, because it's like its own system and it doesn't like you know affect maybe how other systems work for instance drones and I'm speaking out of my ass here because I don't actually I haven't talked to somebody else about this but my understanding of drones were like it's a completely new system and it doesn't rely on any of the other like vehicle systems so it was kind of like straightforward to implement drones, you obviously need to create new systems for like how to manage them and how they play around and there's a little bit of like like the the classes we use in code like what can I hear from and stuff like that but other than that like the drones kind of like had their own you know freedom but other features were maybe we're touching on systems that already exist in the game then it becomes a little bit more trickier because then you're suddenly affecting you know how the rest of the game works, so it becomes a little harder, so it really depends on the feature I guess like if it's also if it's like a cosmetic cosmetic feature or if it's an actual like thing where you know it you see changes in the world or if it's a ui thing or not, and yeah how many like game systems it touches so to speak like the more like for instance the hologram system that we have when you're like trying to play stuff that that system touches almost everything in the game so just tiny tweaks on those are difficult, so creepy champ and that's some decisions we make when we're planning are also tied into like those kind of things because sometimes we might see like we want to do this thing and then the programs might be like oh but that touches those systems that we know we need to refactor and they're right now so if we implement that feature we're gonna need to redo it one example of that is the, the snapping grid thing with the the lines the guidelines that show up, I implemented that and that's a prototype that's currently in the game that's just like me testing out like can we do it and then as soon as I got it working and I was like all right so if we're gonna do this we need to redo this system and like we need to make it so that this works a little bit better and then suddenly it became like a lot of work just to implement guidelines that kind of worked, in a lot of cases so we kind of like ten percent right which is yeah more than fifty percent of the way, so for now we opted like okay until those systems are are fixed and like we've put more time into those then we'll just do run with the the version that we have right now and then once we get there we'll do a complete overhaul of all of that stuff, and then we also get like a little bit of feedback like how people have used the guidelines and stuff like that so it's also like a bit of a game there but yeah so long-winded answer it the short tldr it depends on the feature how complicated it is to implement it