February 18th, 2025 Livestream
Q&A: Why use artificial text-to-speech for ADA rather than someone in the office reading lines?
This question has 4 related videos
- February 11th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Is all the voice acting artificial? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-TcOeC6Xag
- February 20th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: What are your top choices for voice actors for Lizard Doggo, Tick, and Flying Manta? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWmDj7qkLno
- July 5th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Why does ADA sound like the Seattle light rail? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUoOTOQ--Qk
- July 6th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: What about voice language support for ADA? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQW8lEkmYH8
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<ref name="yt-uNNT7RwSvBg">[https://youtu.be/uNNT7RwSvBg YouTube - February 18th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Why use artificial text-to-speech for ADA rather than someone in the office reading lines?]</ref>
question, why use artificial text of speech for a instead of someone in the office recording lines it was a whole discussion, we used the text of speech during Early Access just because of convenience, it was like good enough for what we needed, and like no no one here I think wanted to to do the voice acting really, and that has changed by the way that has changed indeed, but, I know it was just a really handy to sort of like have a as a as sort of like temporary like hold on on The Voice lines just so that everything is playable it was audible especially while we were in Early Access it was still like yeah it was just easy to do it that way and then once like 1.0 kind of started coming closer and closer we had a discussion about like okay do we want to switch to an actual voice actor for this, and it was like it was a lengthy and difficult discussion, and ultimately we decided to go to stick with the Texas speech because of the familiarity that people had already built with it, like it was like we've been in Early Access for years at that point and it was just kind of part of the identity of the game, it was also it would have been a really tight schedule still to do voice acting, because, we would be working on someone else's schedule, and it we didn't have a lot of time at that point left so to actually do this without taking a risk like it could have worked out but we don't know if it would have you know it's it was one of those like do we risk it kind of deals, plus it would be much easier to change or add things over time because we wouldn't have to call in someone, plus the voice was already it was supposed to be an AI like a robot more robotic thing so it kind of worked out pretty well, so yeah that's a lot of the reasons why we why we stuck with Texas speech and didn't switch to voice acting there I mean again considering I'm not sure like I'm not sure a like it's very hard to tell just guessing about it but I'm not really sure how much more or less and especially less iconic a would have turned out to be without, the familiarity sticking like no matter what a would have sounded in its first iteration sounded situation if that changes Midway through development and people just kind of lose connection to that, there may have just been like a whole lot less familiarity and even stuff like just twitch alarms on so many s streams that that was a big one too like that was an argument that- I also had where like I felt like one of the reasons why we would stick with it is just accessibility for the community for for mods for like twitch streams for whatever they want it because it's it's a public like text to speech voice that pack that you can have right and I think that's really cool like there there's a bunch of streams you know you join them, and then they have like the Ada voice I do remember actually there was this one streamer that like started playing satisfactory and I watched like the first episode of it because it's always really interesting to get First Impressions from people and like they already had that voice for their like, their their like shout outs and stuff and their like like their joint things like the and they didn't notice it was the same voice I don't know how they didn't notice but it was like I was like you like how is this person not getting confused about like their their chat like talking to them with this voice versus the game Talking them with this voice because it's the same voice that is it's very incredible I don't know if they might have noticed eventually but not that first episode that I saw at least yeah I'm not sure the chat Noti either hell yeah