August 24th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: You suggested moving factories in the Spire Coast, how would you suggest doing that?

August 24th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: You suggested moving factories in the Spire Coast, how would you suggest doing that?

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you suggested moving factories in the spire coast how would you suggest doing that just destruct and rebuild so, there is a tool out there it's called satisfaction there's plenty actually a lot of tools but there's one in particular that's really that's been in development for a long time and that's the sellers that's the satisfactory calculator I'm going to drop it in chat, also abbreviated as a skim or a cim, in that tool you can like highlight buildings and then you can move them, sometimes it it it's a it's a little bit fiddly, because you need to like go back in the game and check the work then go back to the editor and retry again but you can upload your save file essentially or like reach retried you can also use the actions mod, if you don't wanna, if you wanna if you're using mods you wanna try that, there's probably other ways to do it now I like the micro managed mod comes to mind but I think the micro management like you probably want the macro management if you want to be able to do that you're moving a whole entire factory section, so yeah but those are a few ways, in game the only way really to do it is to deconstruct and reconstruct which is like if you spend a lot of time building it then it's a bit of a bummer so like that the tools I would recommend I haven't tried it myself but if you don't go the hardcore raft than rebuilding I guess it's the way to do it there's no like in-game way to to sort of move buildings due to the way the game sort of works unfortunately I wish my like mic arm would creak more let me get me some double d40 over here