February 4th, 2025 Livestream
Q&A: Will Community Highlights start coming from BlueSky / Mastodon?
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<ref name="yt-u5YR3d114II">[https://youtu.be/u5YR3d114II YouTube - February 4th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Will Community Highlights start coming from BlueSky / Mastodon?]</ref>
since you all had stopped promoting your Twitter handles is it about time Community highlights comes from Blue Sky masteron Etc instead of Twitter, so to clarify that, we haven't explicitly stopped promoting or using Twitter again it's just something, in my own personal workflow like that's just that's a mi problem Twitter right now is a me problem in terms of how I fit Twitter in the U to be frank ton of work there is to do behind the scenes, so I am still trying to check Twitter and honestly like blue sky at the moment is kind of, I currently only personally use blue sky blue sky for personal you know accounts reasons, but I will bre I will try to breede life into the satisfactory account soon right now if I do it right now I'd expect my activity on Blue Sky even in the satisfactory accounts would be the same as Twitter right now just because I mean they fall within the same type of like content in terms of how I interact with them or sorry social media in terms of how I interact with them, masteron masteron is funny because, even Sno barely remembered we actually do have a masteron account and if you go there it still says it's being run by Jace which is, not true first and foremost no no, and a testament to the fact that, yeah we all have forgotten that that even exists no no shade towards masteron, it's just no I on top of Blue Sky I am not planning on adding another like actual Outlet of, news on top of Discord, Reddit Twitter and soon hopefully Blue Sky properly on top of of course YouTube and twitch, we are not adding any more active social media Instagram Instagram we are also exploring at the moment like when and how to time like regular content or updates for but that's also a me issue, but yeah tldr Twitter is not like going away or dying or anything I'm just having issues trying to fit that into my workload that's what is, aside from making like announcements for new videos and the