November 26th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Are you aware of the LOD issues with icons/text on Signs?

November 26th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Are you aware of the LOD issues with icons/text on Signs?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as October 2023.
This question has a related video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-tMGNbTq-iIg">[ YouTube - November 26th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Are you aware of the LOD issues with icons/text on Signs?]</ref>



are you guys aware of the L issues with icons text on signs they often look pixelated when the world reloads and stay sharp only during the initial setup so, I hate to be that guy but this has more to do with your Hardware than the game, the science are always loaded in last because or not always but I think there's I'm pretty sure we've optimized it in that way so that like when you're loading stuff the science will be in the last tier, because there are more important things to load in or whatever, and and it just that's just how the cookie crumbles, if if if you have a big save file and it requires loading in like the game will prioritize that stuff and science will often be last we've actually downscaled science actually, since a while ago and then we added like an effect in top of them or some whatever because the textures textures are like one of the most most expensive things to load in for games, and the tech there are a lot of texture for signs, so we it's an optimization choice that we made, that signs be like that, and for some people they don't notice this at all, and those people probably have good hardware and people who don't have great Hardware are the ones that notice this, now I bet you'll be like but I have good hardware and yeah in some cases even people with good Hardware get this issue, but I mean we're aware of this but there's not too much to do about it at this point like as far as I know, we just need to optimize the game better, and more but but it's not like it's not this is not a specific issue with science this is every texture in the game, so, yeah probably not the answer you want to hear but that's sort of how it is yep