June 18th, 2021 Livestream Jace Talk: Build Modes in Update 5

June 18th, 2021 Livestream

Jace Talk: Build Modes in Update 5


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-slNYE26evgc,131.86506666666668,200.86733333333333">[https://youtube.com/embed/slNYE26evgc?autoplay=1&start=131&end=201 YouTube - June 18th, 2021 Livestream - Jace Talk: Build Modes in Update 5]</ref>



plan as of today the next thing that we've kind of confirmed is actually this is something that's been confirmed for update 5 in fact and that is build modes we plan on improving build modes in update five so, one what we mean by that is just giving more, tools or functionalities whatever just so that building gets less in your way essentially and one key thing that you can sort of think of here is that with update four we actually fixed this thing called the cheat creep which is a piece of foundation that had some collision rules or no collision on it or something like that that people used that people sort of like leveraged to sort of game the system and create other kinds of buildings that the general game rules didn't allow they could snap things to it in a specific way we fixed that bug that caused that people didn't like that because now they won't be able to they weren't able to build what they wanted to build so with these improvements in build modes we want to make sure that, when it comes to building that the game doesn't get in your way as much that you, we allow you to have the freedom you want to build what kind of structures that you want to build so there will be some improvements to that and hopefully that will result in more creative factories and less headaches for people next up we've got updates on trains so trains