November 22nd, 2022 Livestream Intro

November 22nd, 2022 Livestream


00:00 Intro
00:27 Black Friday deals still going on
01:08 Trolling
02:04 Getting back on track
02:32 Q&A: Will Jace be doing the shipping?
02:46 Hearing what you're wanting to hear
02:59 Snutt going on break
04:28 Reiterating discount codes
05:43 Q&A: When are they going to be selling Jace & Snutt plushes?
05:56 Jace's HelloFresh delivery

This question has 3 related topics, and a related link
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thank you hello hello everybody wait thanks Jason thanks still there yeah man yeah man thanks nice actually on purpose I forgot to say it before but there's still, we can just dive into that segment right now but there's still, if you guys don't know has a Black Friday deal going on at the moment, so that's why it says thanks dude thanks Jace because those are the two discount codes you can use anyways welcome welcome to our stream oh geez I just got a call here's the merch command while Smith talks to his dad on Facebook yeah, there's the merch you can we've got two Marshals one a good smile one at, but the, the coupon codes that we have here thanks Jason thanks note there are two different coupon codes I don't remember which one's which but you can just try them, and, you can use them at lizard okay I love how we like immediately start to string with like sell out [ __ ] sell out dude exactly you can donate through a patreon here thanks to, Squarespace thanks skillshare for sponsoring yeah hello fresh thank you very much oh my God that dude aw by the way with actually the codes right there thanks Jace Gibbs for orders who are you and you get free shipping if you use thanks Jace, and for Thanksgiving for every fifty dollar spent you get an item under 20 for free up to ten items yes nice I have it open here but that's dope I didn't need to do anything thank you very much that dude aw that's amazing holy hell, so yeah welcome to Welcome to our community Dev stream Community Dev stream our weekly Dev stream, where me and AJ's hang out and we talk about stuff not necessarily tied to games that start with f and, don't don't mention it don't mention it and, hang out with you guys and answer questions it starts with f and ends in idle fantasy yes yes will just be doing the shipping I will personally you'll go to I'm gonna be a busy little bee yeah go to Canada do all the shipping come back do the next weekly Dev stream yeah yes, Mark you're hearing what you wanted to hear buddy that's not what I said yeah I was thinking it but- I was I also heard what I wanted to hear and I'll I'll admit it I'll admit it wow doubling down yeah but, yeah by the way snoot you're, you're leaving us buddy what's going on yes I'm taking a little break nice yes so I'll be back soon whatever do that yeah it's like, I took your homework and I just like copied it and made it my own essentially yes I'm going a little break so you won't see me for the rest of the year


suck it, you're planning I'm coming back in January or something yeah sometime January ish yeah yeah so I will hold the fort in the meantime but we will have like a small, Christmas break anyway the whole studio will close down for a little bit of Christmas, and yeah does that mean Jace is in charge that's right I'm gonna be running this show oh boy while snood is away we're gonna get up to no good it's gonna be like when the babysitter comes and she's like super adorable like oh yeah I'll take good care of them as soon as the parents leave like oh you [ __ ] yeah I'm the boss now go to bed I start Banning everyone yeah that's gold I thought it was gonna be fun when snow left huh no you're you're alone you're you're not you're locked in with me or whatever the code is I can't remember it exactly yeah, so yeah that's that's our show thanks for coming in everybody bye yeah that's pretty much it do anything else fun yeah like listen dog of the calm the the that segment blah blah used to codes Etc Black Friday deal it will last the deal will only last until the end of November so, make sure to check out links only only like a week left yes yep if you wanted merch Now's the Time Now isn't it all right let's get a guy here here right here is those doggos whoa cool look at that wow whatever oh it's cute you got that's a little one yeah there's stickers and there's key chains look at him they exist I actually like the keychain a lot yeah I still haven't put mine on but I'm also thinking like I'm not sure because I don't like too many stuff in my pocket so I'm thinking like do I just hang it up on my I've got a thing of things over there yeah do that I have it on my backpack usually, it's nice having it because it is a bit too big to form a keychain- I'm saying with you I like- I want as little things in my pocket as possible yeah or small things kind of the same yeah but I like having it like on my backpack and [ __ ] it's pretty medium, when are they gonna be selling Jason's plushes actually I think that conversation picked up again it might be a thing oh yeah we did to get into that I forgot about that the body pillows right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh well plush I think body pillows are better that oh my God it's here and when was the last time it's been a while the body pillow appeared yeah yeah yeah no no no it's it's been a while since Jace got hella fresh the second sponsor of today's second sponsor hellofresh this is going to be cooking live on stream right now right now he's just gonna dive into it making [ __ ] pasta Alfredo or something foreign o in hellofresh that's a [ __ ] scam I just just for the record it's actually bringing it we could do it like an unboxing yeah do it you guys want to do an unboxing yeah yeah I want a boxing what's in the box chair please okay wait you already got your [ __ ] Chair by the way yeah dude it took me half a year to get mine yeah can't believe it's not me I got the magic touch all right you guys ready yes so we got some, we've got some tortelloni you guys hell yeah tortilla oh yeah chair Turtle, and here's one of the, the bags of food you get the food they come in these bags is it pre-cut no you gotta cut it yourself what the [ __ ] you have to do labor yeah I can't believe this is some, Japanese sake oh that's pretty good damn pretty good deal other than cooking that's for during cooking yeah got a GameCube


wait wait a second what kind of what kind of what kind of hello fresh deal do you have you grind it up on the The Grater, -huh you're garnished on top no that checks out yeah got a laptop yeah oh nice what what brand Dell yeah Dell us pretty sweet that's pretty nice actually like there's a it's like if you get lucky you get like extra prizes with hellofresh it's pretty good yeah cut that up into feet cut that up into pieces and, this is my broken doll oh [ __ ] look at that how did that fit in the Box oh boy let me tell you so Health First is pretty good you have a lot of good stuff sweet awesome this is the meat yeah you cut that up into pieces you put the dowel in there drink up the sake yeah the other stuff in the, in the fridge all right go for it go for it dude go first hell yeah man all right so, used to coupon code, coffee stay and next order at a hollow fresh and you'll get your your your your next delivery right at your home fresh lizard doggo Meats very nice very nice so funny dude because- I forgot about that you told me before sick all right I just told you I was like I got a bit dude yeah yeah and I forgot like immediately and then when the game teacher I was like wait a second oh so funny holy [ __ ] by the way here if you want the secret all right look how do I get in the Box there's it's a hole there's a hole no oh everything was sitting here dude I thought I thought you were Magic I thought you were just like that Coldplay song Viva La Vida, it's my favorite Coldplay song yeah dude it's so good one step closer I'm about to break