January 17th, 2025 Video
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<ref name="yt-s7H3vrje1nQ,69.90316666666666,350.04970000000003">[https://youtube.com/embed/s7H3vrje1nQ?autoplay=1&start=69&end=351 YouTube - January 17th, 2025 Video - Ideation]</ref>
- Embracer Group > Coffee Stain Holding > Coffee Stain Studios
- Satisfactory Updates > Teasers & Trailers
when it comes to making trailers the first step for us is always ideation, the first thing really is to figure out sort of what is the purpose of the trailer that you're about to make because most of our trailers serve very different purposes and they also have very different audiences some trailers are there to build hype for new players who've never seen satisfactory before some trailers we made are there to like explain the game for people who are have heard of satisfactory but are interested and want to learn more whenever we made our update trailers those are more catered towards our existing community and to sort of highlight like all the new things and give you you know make you excited to want to play the update basically and there's a ton of other reasons as to why you'd want to make a specific trailer like sometimes it's there to, announce a game and make people interested in it it might be also there to like kind of bring in investment to a game that you're working on or you know Get Hype and build hype and all that stuff sometimes I get the question of like why are game developers making these cinematic trailers when like there's no gameplay footage so we have no idea what the actual game is about and you know they have different purposes, cinematic trailers usually like that are there to make you excited about the concept and also to bring in some investment to Studios or even bring in Talent, wanting to work on some games so yeah there's many different reasons as to why you'd want make a trailer for your game and one thing when it comes to our update trailers is that we put a lot of effort into our update trailers like sometimes they take months to make, the 1.0 release trailer took more than a year to make I think, and it might be strange when you think about it because the trailer is just like a one minute two-minute video like why would you want to spend so many resources on making such a like small, little thing but they actually have a pretty significant impact on you you know how we Market our game and like how people are able to sort of you know take a look at our game and and see what it's all about and the thing for us is like we put a lot of effort into our updates and we want that to be reflected in our trailers as well because if we have a trailer that you can tell we put a lot of effort into then that will also signify that like oh you put probably put a lot of effort into the update as well so that's why it's so important for us to have the sort of the quality that we have for our trailers, whenever we release them because it's kind of wasted if you put a lot of effort into your game and you don't put a lot of effort into showcasing that game or you know putting that effort into your trailer then people are going to see that and they're it's not going to reflect good on it so you really want to match you know the quality of what you're making and there's a lot of things you have to take into consideration when you're in this ideation process of like figuring out like what is the purpose of the trailer you know there are questions you need to ask especially like you know do people know about your game like who is the trailer for and when you're figuring out the purpose of the trailer you also need to sort of figure out like what is the context behind the trailer you know like is this a thing where people know about the game beforehand or is this like a reveal trailer of sorts, you know is this a a game that's been out for a long time so people already know about the title, you know all these kind of things kind of matter when you decide like how you make the trailer and like what's in the trailer and and whatnot and context is also important when it comes to the trailer in like how is it displayed like is this supposed to be at like a big event with like a ton of other reveal trailers as well or is it just supposed to live on your YouTube channel or like on social media, these also impact the trailer a little bit for instance if a trailer is just supposed to live on social media then it's really really really important that the first like 15 seconds really catch you so like if you're posting on social media it's harder to make like a cinematic trailer for instance where you have like a company logo that fades in for like 10 seconds or whatever like on social media people typically click away if they're not hooked life within you know a short amount of time but like at events show and stuff like that that's a whole different ball game and then you can sort of create a different type of trailer, you know depending on on who you are and and you know what the context of it is I guess so it's really important to figure out the purpose like is this a reveal trailer is this an announcement trailer is it supposed to Showcase your game do you want people to be like Blown Away by some technical element of it or is it like a cinematic trailer where you're more aiming to like evoke a feeling or you know make people interested or excited so at the end of the day it's really really really important in the adiation process that you really figure out like what is the main purpose of the trailer because like I said context and effect matters a lot for trailers like if you want people to talk about your trailer or talk about the game then you need to sort of hit certain beats for it to make sense so once we figured out like the purpose or