January 17th, 2025 Video
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<ref name="yt-s7H3vrje1nQ,2440.104333333333,2616.1135">[https://youtube.com/embed/s7H3vrje1nQ?autoplay=1&start=2440&end=2617 YouTube - January 17th, 2025 Video - Post-Production]</ref>
- Embracer Group > Coffee Stain Holding > Coffee Stain Studios
- Satisfactory Updates > Teasers & Trailers
sequenc so after all that grind making all these shots in editor and creating all the sequences and rendering them and whatnot, we take all these clips and we pull them into Premiere and we start editing and we actually, add a little bit of leeway in every clip that we make so that we have some editing power, because sometimes a lot of things can actually change in the edited and, sometimes we realize that we need something else or another shot, once we start editing it so it's nice to like edit as you go, in fact like we almost have like a an edit ready before we even have all these shots rendered, just so we know like timing wise what we want to do and and whatnot so we edit it up and tighten it up and once we get to the point where we can, freeze the edit as in like say like okay we're not touching the edit anymore this is when we send it off to the audio people so that they can add audio design, and you know tweak up anything that may be needed with music and and whatnot and let me tell you this, when you've made the edit and you send it over to the audio people when you get the audio back that's when it starts feeling like an like a trailer like audio design adds so much to the trailers they're so, underutilized in a lot of stuff I would would say, audio is so important in anything cuz without audio our trailers are kind of lame I would say like it really needs the music and the sounds and everything to make it all come together, so yeah it it's just it's such a gratifying part of the process when you've made all the stuff and you send it off to them and then you get audio passes back and it's like H now it feels like a trailer and then we have a little bit of an iteration there like tweaking up anything we want to change or any audio effects that we want to add sometimes we also do a little bit of a color grade at this point where we you know maybe tweak some saturation values in here and there or do something, else that is needed like a post-processing effect or something but for the most part we try not to do too much because like I said before, we typically want the trailers to sort of look like the game so we don't want to you know change too much- I found sometimes when we made two harsh color grades in the past people have commented like oh the game looks different now and we don't want that we don't we want the trailer to reflect what the game looks like so that you know you know what you're getting and last but not least we add these like title cards or end cards, that actually have a lot of effort put into them as well, almost every update we've made have had some kind of like really neat like design to the title of each update to make them look good and they also animate well and and that kind of stuff and for the toilet flush we wanted to make this like dumb D toilet flush letters flowing in fly like letters flying in and crushing the thing and like cool sound effects and whatever and timing to the music music and, yeah really neat and the titles and like all this like cool graphics they're usually made in After Effects by, one of our UI artists and that is the entire