January 17th, 2025 Video Custom Tools

January 17th, 2025 Video

Custom Tools


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-s7H3vrje1nQ,2394.6923,2440.0709666666667">[https://youtube.com/embed/s7H3vrje1nQ?autoplay=1&start=2394&end=2441 YouTube - January 17th, 2025 Video - Custom Tools]</ref>



of stuff that we make for the trailers we usually just use Onre engines tools, We've also made some custom tools for our trailer specifically so, for instance in the 1.0 trailer we had this like time lapse running we actually made a custom time-lapse Tool, to be able to like spawn factories and have them kind of play out as if they were made in and in the game and we were just recording it but actually those were made in the sequencer and they were created in engine and we also had a similar tool where we were able to like record ourselves running around in first person and then, importing that into the sequencer and have it play out as if we were playing to make it you know seem natural and seem like actual gameplay, but in in truth it was all made in sequenc so after all that grind making