January 19th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Any plans to make Liquid Biofuel a viable automated means of Power Generation?

January 19th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Any plans to make Liquid Biofuel a viable automated means of Power Generation?


This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: August 29th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Will we ever be able to fully-automate biofuel for Jetpack? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0Nv2p1dVMM

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-s52yTvp9nbM">[https://youtu.be/s52yTvp9nbM YouTube - January 19th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Any plans to make Liquid Biofuel a viable automated means of Power Generation?]</ref>



any plans to make liquid biofuel a viable automated means of power generation, there are a lot of plants here none of which I think it would be awesome to do that different ways of course we can go about it we could go for farming although which has always kind of been on the table but for now we're not really sure we will want to do it for 1.0 especially because there's like other options we have for the whole biomass thing like I think recently jace mentioned like something that I talked with him about about the lawnmower tractor to make the tractor a bit more viable in the late game, which could be awesome so you can maybe automate it and make it drive around and then depending on the terrain that it's on it will collect stuff so if it's in the in the blue crater it will collect mycelia and if it's in the grass fields it will collect, just leaves or some, maybe some lizard doggo meat every now and then you monster, that's that's one option, then of course there's a farming option I think there was another one that we discussed yeah there's there's solutions for that on the table and I think it would be awesome if you can play the game in as many alternate ways as you, as you want like what we discussed before just skipping the entire nuclear process and just keeping keep doing turbo fuel or skipping the entire coal phase and just going straight for fuel, but also just really cool game of biomass that would be I think that would be super fun if you could do that making alternate decisions with the game my you