January 24th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: What is your take on Mods?

January 24th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: What is your take on Mods?

00:00 Intro
00:45 Observations
02:25 SignpostMarv FYI: The issue is that Satisfactory doesn't have Official Mod Support but other games do
02:49 Community FYI: You always say Mods = cheating in Community Highlights
03:00 Community FYI: The Mod Manager's good
03:16 Q&A: What does Official Mod Support mean?
03:44 Jace Talk: ficsit.app
04:11 Snutt & Jace Talk: PSA Regarding Mods & Updates


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someone asked, what is your take on mods I'm gonna on moderators and chat that's nice there's a video I made a whole I made a whole last video about that one oh [ __ ] I forgot that video yeah do we like the modding Community click that thumbnail 121. click it now that's that's a long ass time ago they're all right yeah yeah go check it out it's sometimes it's somewhat of a statement whenever we're like no we like the mods and people are like whoa I don't understand where this like anti-modding thing, I'm on devs or maybe it's just like I missed him like yeah understanding well no I've seen no I've seen it around where there are developers who actively like shut down mods in modern communities this is a thing that like I've seen I can't nothing comes to mind right away or at least nothing that like there's obviously some situations where it's like if there's like competitive elements and multiplayer elements like I can this absolutely makes sense in many ways and maybe even in every way but, I think that there are some other games that like yeah because like GTA and I can understand GTA because they have a lot of issues with with cheaters and and stuff like that and I guess the way they see it is like if we Foster a modern Community then we also fostered that part of the modern community or something like that who knows who knows I don't know they probably they probably have they probably have their reasons and who knows maybe they're good maybe they're not I have no idea but in in our particular case, we're all for it, I know that, rocket League had before they were owned by epic they were kind of like open towards like no but there can be mods and and people can mod the game so long as you're not using the mods unless they're like cosmetic, in like the competitive like section of the game so like there's there's training packs and stuff like that, but then they change their minds I don't know if they they realize something or if maybe it was too hard to, police whether or not people are using them in the right modes or or what well it's it's I guess it's because we're going to fortunate in that our game you know it doesn't matter if you cheat in our game like it doesn't really affect anyone but yourself so why should we police that, but maybe there's just some insight that we don't have because we're in that situation or something the issue is that satisfaction doesn't have official mode support but other games do I don't think that's the issue I mean I guess if we had official mode support then maybe people wouldn't ask the question I suppose but I think there are many games out there that don't have official mode support that do allow mods or don't allow mods but even if we don't have a visual mod support we have developed the game with Mod support in mind Zim saying you don't understand you always say mods equals cheating and Community highlights true that's true no no it's fine there are mod managers it's true it really is it really really is anticipate there being such a good modding support for our game yeah we were like there's not going to be mod support until we officially support it boy we were wrong yeah what does official yeah what does official mod support mean what it sort of means is that we have like we develop our own tools for it and we distribute it somehow maybe integrate in the game somehow but so far we haven't done that and in part because the community has done it so well, if we were to do it I don't really know how we even do it actually at this point like because whatever we do we would need I don't know I feel like we need to sort of build upon the community, because, if you guys haven't if you guys haven't seen the mods you can go to fixit.app this is the I think this is the biggest mod or the only mod manager that we have I'm not sure but it's by certainly the the biggest, mod manager that we have and, mod, Repository and it's really cool it's just this little app that you can just pick which mods you want to install just install them yeah and there you go yeah however however PSA for people who use mods all right please remember this okay, we do not officially support them and so sometimes if the mods haven't been updated to work with our game they may not work even if they haven't been updated work for the game the game may not work well with the mod we we cannot guarantee compatibility with every anything and so we get a lot of people who, say hey the game's crashed, and they send us their stack trace and it's the other mod that's crashed this happens most commonly after major updates so I had a lot of this happen just recently after update 7 dropped a lot of people saying like suddenly my game won't start and it's because certain mods they had installed haven't been updated yet okay so if that happens if you if you have if you're getting crashes, and you have mods installed uninstall the mods via the mod manager okay don't just don't just reinstall the game don't just delete the files that you see uninstall via the mod manager okay because there could be other files elsewhere that's the only way to really do it, and if you do that then assuming your save file doesn't rely on the mods that you've removed the game should run should trademark yeah sometimes it's our fault too but like it's always funny when whenever we release something like 90 of the crash crashes that we get are from mods and and this not to blame them or anything like that because how how could they possibly have updated the mods knowing what we were gonna do with the game right but yeah but I mean it happens like with experimental right so there's that experimental period where anyone who has mods out there they've got a decent chunk of time to adjust their mods to make them work before it goes to Early Access but sometimes some people just don't, or whatever yeah whoever created like the original Mod to also have time to to do it so it's not it's not like one it's not like the the modding Community fixes can't fix every mod it's like up to the mod Creator to maintain it as well exactly and yeah kivas is saying that happened to me I didn't but I didn't realize I had mods installed yeah exactly and like I've had people who, they they would say like I haven't played in a year I don't have any mods installed they probably don't even have the mod manager installed but they did have a mod installed at some point and especially if you don't have the mod manager and you're running the game via steam or epic like that that also means that whatever mod you had installed is not getting updated along with the game either so if you've ever ever had mods and you're getting crashes uninstall them via them on manager that's my, my PSA big tip of the day yep and aruma here with great advice coming from The Sims Community I'm very used to hearing that you should turn off your mods after any new major patch there you go that would probably make sense here