May 18th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: What's living and working in Sweden like?

May 18th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: What's living and working in Sweden like?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as March 2018.
This question has 2 related videos, and 2 related topics
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-rkXzMln6DcA">[ YouTube - May 18th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: What's living and working in Sweden like?]</ref>



okay what's living and working in sweden like are you a native I'm not I'm australian snit is swedish but, it's all right I guess it's all right, it's pretty good pretty good working conditions here yeah yes it's all right we got health insurance and we got I gotta blink twice whatever I say this people freak out we get five weeks of paid vacation and paid


a pension by law, pay a lot of tax but a lot of that tax goes back into your salary sort of but also society around you yeah health care like good roads got, you know it's good it's a good country it's hard for me to like actually have an opinion on it because I've never worked outside of sweden whenever I've like gotten paid outside of sweden I always invoiced it through like the swedish tax system so like when you're paying like even if I did a job when I was a photographer even if I like did a gig in like germany I would still like pay it through sweden so to speak by my company so I have no I have no idea what it really is like working outside of sweden honestly you you know I do and I do yeah it's it's much nicer working here compared to japan and australia yeah have you worked anywhere else no just japan australia yes