May 16th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Will Trains have dynamic re-routing?

May 16th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Will Trains have dynamic re-routing?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: August 22nd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Will Train AI get smarter with alternate route options?

This question has a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-regS-cMGcJY">[ YouTube - May 16th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Will Trains have dynamic re-routing?]</ref>



will trains have Dynamic rerouting so okay this this was a topic we talked about a lot when we introduced the signaling system I remember, there's a lot of cases where, how do I explain this in a kind of want to bring a paint okay so there are cases where like you can have if you have like one train line that's going and then you set up like other like diverting paths that all go the same way, and at the moment trains will always pick the shortest path so like if there's a if if if a train is occupying a block and there's a way to get around that block and still reach the same destination at the moment the system does not like add for that so so that whatever happened is the chain will like queue up whereas it could take like a longer route around and figure that out, and yeah at the moment we don't support that I talked to, the developers that worked on the train lines and they really want to add it but it's a lot of work to get it to work and, you know it's one of those things where if they ever get a chance to get around to it they want to add that but like I said it's a lot of work, making sure that that works, so it's it's a little bit in the air whether or not we can support that in the future or not hopefully we can but you know there's a lot of stuff that was something to do with the game so, we'll see you essentially we'll see let's just see a common God I love Simon who doesn't I mean he's such a dream