September 21st, 2021 Livestream Snutt Talk: DirectX & Vulkan Support in the Engine Upgrade

September 21st, 2021 Livestream

Snutt Talk: DirectX & Vulkan Support in the Engine Upgrade

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but two things sort of that stand out in in in this batch with the engine upgrade is that we're trying again batch is that we're trying again to reintroduce directx 12 support which we tried before and we utterly failed because so many people were having issues with it so we felt like we might as well revert and try again we're a little bit more confident this time but like we'll see what happens once a lot of people test it and we're also introducing something like, somewhat of a vulcan support, so same thing there it's also kind of like we don't know if it's gonna fully work we may revert back to it, if it doesn't work and, yeah and there's also a little bit of like a thing that might be important to note here as well if you're having if you are trying out directx 12 and or vulcan, depending on what hardware you have whether or not your graphics cards support either of them, if you're having crashes and you switch back to early access for some reason, the game might get like in a weird state where it's trying to load con from the config files that you're using vulcan and then in early access since it's an old version of the game it won't know what to do so it'll just keep crashing so if you are switching back to early access have you tried these two like either directxl or vulcan you may need to like dive into your config files, and, either like remove them so that they're created again when you start the game or change out like some lines so that it won't load directx 12. and like there will be like written information about this in the patch notes so like if you don't know exactly where to go to find your config files, then yeah when we publish the, the build which is gonna go live today later today, check in the patch notes and there will be information about this