October 3rd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: How do you get your Holograms to go purple?

October 3rd, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: How do you get your Holograms to go purple?

00:00 Intro
00:38 Checking the game settings
01:36 Q&A: There's no pre-defined setting for colour blind?
02:46 Snutt's hearing is great


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: October 10th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: How do you make Belts purple? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tu_h3bcHlQ

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-rIfTqN11NPw">[https://youtu.be/rIfTqN11NPw YouTube - October 3rd, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: How do you get your Holograms to go purple?]</ref>



how'd you get my things to get purple, so you can set it in your gameplay settings, under like UI, there's a setting for like what colors the Hologram should be, using interface these little things to be any color you want so if you're colorblind and you have a hard time seeing that you can set it to that I wish we could set it so you can change the colors of the the the indicators because I know there's a lot of people that have complained that like I have a hard time seeing those I wonder though if I switch to, dark mode in awesome shop yes please High contrasts no there's no setting for that hide static key shortcuts oh that's pretty cool I didn't know I could do that I don't mind I don't I don't use those it's a bunch of settings in the menu pretty cool they, some of these might just only be on update 8 and some of these might be on update seven, I think we revamped most of the, the options menu in updated so like most of these settings might not exist but the the Indica like the hologram thing color thing is is definitely on that day seven, there's no predefined set of a cobine- I swear there was or maybe we just you said it yourself for Stuff depending on what color blinders you have but like the game is is, like the colors we've we've picked for the base game are based on colorblindness so it's not like like we've made decisions based on that stuff but I think there's still a couple of like rear day chases Maybe where some setting in the menu would be nice I'm not called Blind no I have I have super good Twitter I have got like 40 40 Vision you know what I'm saying my vision's all right my hearing is great I'll tell you that much I still have I did those like tests where you can like you know those like high-pitched tests because you lose high frequencies as you get older, and I did it fairly recently and I still have a ton of high frequency, I can still hear a bunch of high frequency noise okay which drives me insane sometimes because like a lot of I swear to God a lot of, hearing does not me I mean you can listen those are two different things, but I swear to God some manufacturers of of like Tech stuff they're like old people so there's a bunch of like really high pitched sounds that some some tech do and it's it drives me insane, for instance, iPods iPods the the thingies, this thing is the little like this is the only Apple product I own, have you think are these iPads iPods airpods that's what they're called, when when you don't have any music running through them they make a really really high pitched noise and, it's it's the worst- I understand how how no one's like is like Apple's supposed to be super high quality right but like for some reason that's one thing and and my made-up theory is that there aren't enough young people working on those products so maybe they didn't don't notice or something I don't know but it's it's driving me insane like every time I plug them in there's like a like a super tiny high-pitched sound, and it goes away when you turn on music but I don't know what's up with that yeah core lining and phone chargers have that especially those like ones where it's, without a like a cable so they're they're air power what'd you what'd you call that wireless charger they make it they make the most annoying sounds especially when they've done charging because I can hear that in a temp like if I put my phone down I charge it I can hear in the other room when they're done charging yeah inductive charge, inductive charging that's what it's called Wi-Fi charging that drives me insane so that's the, that's the con I get I don't really know if there is a good like is there any benefit of still having retaining good hearing when you get older like I understand that like it's it's nice if you can hear what people say you know if you're in the same room as someone, and I can hear what people are talking about in in a completely different room, but, like we can still hear like super high pitched sounds like is there any I don't think there's any benefits of that really, okay so why what I did last time was I think I just had yeah that's another thing I don't like wearing head, noise canceling headphones because they also sound super like I can hear that pitch thing they also sound strange I think but I really don't like noise canceling headphones because they sound so strange to me, like it's nice that it cams without sound but I would rather just wear like headphones that have good, that are muffled I think I think that's a better way to do it rather than like trying to cancel the sound that way by face shaping it that's that's strange to me just get better active noise canceling headphones I don't know what to tell you I've tried every every single one I've tried have sounded like ass and I don't understand why people use them and give migrants yes like wearing those for a while gives you gives me head like I can't wear them for too long because it gives me a headache foreign look there's my cable that I needed before put it on the ground ah man well now that's gonna be in the way oh no I can pick it up actually because I built something and then it goes the opposite way and I don't have, tinnitus which I'm pretty stoked about but very careful, wearing like, splitter, ear protection when I'm like on at concerts or whatever I did the thing where, this is a service where you can like Buy molded earplugs which are way more comfortable and they also use a filter instead of just like isolation so like it sounds just you get the same frequencies, and it's just like lower volume, so it sounds way better when you're going to concerts when you're wearing that and, right up expensive ass but it's totally worth that IMO and I think I got it when I was like 18 years old and I think my ears have changed their shape a little bit so I kind of want to redo the the molding process


, but I also remember how it wasn't painful but it was very it's not a very pleasant experience doing that because the way they do it is like they push in a little cotton ball that sits and rests on your eardrum and then they they push in like goo in your ear canal, that hardens after a while and it it's like it doesn't you don't go completely silent but you because you still hear like you're breathing and you hear your your heartbeat and like that, but it is very weird, and then when they pull it out they have to be careful not to create a vacuum because if they create a vacuum and they pull it out they can actually pull out your eardrum and like the bones as well I think, yeah it's like it's like Wax it's like it's not it's like goo it's it's a it's like a poly polymer thingy something something it's like you know when you see like it's maybe silicone actually it's some kind of like gel, they use for sculpting and and they create a mold out of that and throw from that mold they create earplugs that fit perfectly in your ear and it's it's totally and then the mold has like I wish I had them because I could show you but it's like an earpiece and then there's a hole so it's there it's like a straw that fits perfectly in your ear and then you can put a little filter at the end of it, and, it just makes going to concerts so much more enjoyable because everything sounds way better, without and you can just like set like different, how much reduction in decibel you want them to be so like 9 15 decibel or I think there's, 32 maybe depending on like if you're going to like how much dampening you want yeah change the filters it's awesome hey Mezza it's it's a it's great, and like the ones I have they've lasted for more than 20 years- I they're like I feel like one of them is starting to like come loose a little bit and I think that's because my ear kind of has changed shape got mine a few weeks ago that's awesome- I cannot recommend it enough if if you enjoy going to concerts a lot and you want to like protect your hearing, definitely look into it it's like I think it's like 300 ish something like that and I think you you have to go to like a clinic to do it so it might not be available everywhere 159 but is that for, so you can plot in, because there's like two because there's also ones we can put in like a, so you can use them as headphones and I don't have that and those are way way cheaper but maybe they're that I did I did that thing Way Way Back so like I guess maybe, just hearing protection damn so I guess maybe just prices have gone up because I did it at, 2005 was when I did my molding I think no wait two thousand 2008. it's been a while so maybe prices have just gone up now ACS custom because one I the ones I got were from a Swedish company, but I think they're like a sub-sary of of ACS like a lot of artists use it like they use it for inner monitoring which is also pretty dope but those are way more expensive so yeah I recommend it's it's pricey as but they'll last you a lifetime and and they sound way better and, yeah yeah industry standard pretty much yeah for for for, like musicians and when you're on stage it's also so nice not have to use, like stage monitors when you're performing having in-air monitor is so much better it's insane and I get much better than this holy okay