February 11th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: What're the chances of a reprise of the DnD one-shot stream?

February 11th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: What're the chances of a reprise of the DnD one-shot stream?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-rASwqWPruFA">[https://youtu.be/rASwqWPruFA YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: What're the chances of a reprise of the DnD one-shot stream?]</ref>



what are the chances of a reprise of a d andd oneshot stream by the time the archive Channel started the previous one shot had expired so it's gone forever thank God I mean it was It was kind of fun it was kind of cool right I mean maybe it's something that we can do again in the future, it was kind of fun I mean the sticks were real with that one so for for anyone who doesn't know what this is, way back when when satisfactory was in Alpha and we were Distributing Alpha keys, to a limited number of people, at some point we organized a a a d andd one shot where, like I had made a little thing that was set in sort of the the the satisfactory Universe, and, basically we had one one person one Community me member like play to for a key, they didn't know this at the time they they weren't informed that they were playing with real Stakes so- I did do the thing where like I was calling out the the the DC of every check as in like the number that they had to roll and and like, beat but they actually ended up like winning the key through this sort of like Little d& D one shot which is pretty cool, the the theme of it was kind of like, a a kind of framed as like a fix it Pioneer training program like that they had to sort of like graduate, yeah and that was also like way back when we had a very different like narrative plans still as well, but yeah I don't know maybe we'll do something like that again in the future, but we'll have to have I think for a good for a good like fun reason like I think it's nice to have something like a community oriented where there's extal stakes and things like that we'll see I mean it's always something that we have in our back pocket I'm bad on the lore about that d andd one shot I know it existed but I haven't heard much else so, I might actually still have like the the little like document I made for that I'm not sure I could I could dig for it but good absolutely be cool