September 6th, 2024 Video Dimensional Depot

September 6th, 2024 Video

Dimensional Depot

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the last bit of you know strange phenomena that you're going to run into on the planet is the Mercer sphere and the Mercer sphere has only one purpose, or use case but it is a good one okay with Mercer spheres you're going to be able to create a new building called the dimensional Depot so with the merser sphere you're going to be able to craft this storage container looking building right looks like an ordinary storage container you are wrong okay it it's it it is a storage container it looks kind of fancy, but this is actually the dimensional Depot uploader so what you do with this building is you place it down you hook it up with the conveyor belt you feed Parts into it and what it does it uploads any part that's put into the storage container up to the diens Depot and if you look over here real quick I've got my regular inventory but there's this little button here that I can also press and if I press this button I'm going to get access to the dimensional Depot wherever I am on the map it's all there on the clouding so yeah essentially you're going to be able to set up production lines so you can feed in, produce parts and upload them to the dimensional Depot and be able to access them wherever you are on the map anytime any place it is so nice to do this you can just drag and drop any item into your inventory and they're just going to like be there, immediately they're just going to you're going to download them from the dimensional Depot right away I don't know if I need to spell this out for you but this means that you no longer need to like run back and forth between bases when you start running into out of materials when you're building like another base or another Outpost or whatever like I really think that this has been one of the biggest gripes that I had when playing this game is that you're constantly like expanding your factory but every time you do you have to like keep track of of all this stuff and you need to like sort out logistical nightmares just to be able to get the parts you need to be able to keep building your factories and with the dimensional Depot it just makes everything nicer and so much easier to be able to to keep playing the game essentially and here's the thing too from your inventory you can also upload any parts to the dimensional Depot like from wherever you are but there is a limited amount of slots that you can use to be able to do this and one thing you might have also noticed is that downloading is instant but uploading takes time so this going to be limit as to like how many parts you can upload to the dimensional Depot and there's also limit as to like how many parts you can have at the dimensional Depot, at the same time stack sizes are a bit limited on the dimensional Depot, but the thing is both of the things, like this the upload speed and the stack size on the dimensional Depot both of these things are going to be able to be upgraded in the m and one really really cool thing on top of all this stuff is that when you're building out in the world it will also grab whatever parts that you need to place what a building you're doing from the dimensional Depot so if you're running out of parts in your inventory you don't need to download them into your inventory they're just going to be there when you build it's it's so it's so good it's so good and it's also possible to set like when you're building buildings whether you want the parts for that building to come first from your inventory or if you want them to come from the dimensional Depot at first and save the stuff that you have in your inventory for later but here's the thing with dimensional dep this is purely for your own personal use it's only for your personal inventory so you you're not going to be able to take advantage of this for any production lines so, while you're going to be able to set up like steel production feed those parts into dimensional Depot so you can access them wherever you're not going to be able to take those parts and like set up another production chain somewhere else and just like grab them from the dimensional Depot and and start producing new parts from those things so the dimensional Depot isn't going to be used for any type of like production automation or anything like that that's not how the dimensional Depot works it's purely for your personal inventory so