September 6th, 2024 Video Conveyor Belt Build Modes

September 6th, 2024 Video

Conveyor Belt Build Modes

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the next thing I want to talk about let me just hook up this here and let me do did you did you see that you see did you see what just happened so so yeah this this is the actually so now when you're placing conveyor belts they have two different build modes you have the default build mode and you have the straight build mode and the straight build mode is essentially what it tells you on the box it will make it so that conveyor belts are always facing straight and they will make perfect 90° Corners making it all a lot smoother to build like straight, convey Bel lines if that is something that you're into you know and yeah I really like this change this is like one of my favorite changes in 1.0 it makes it so much easier to just plop things down, hope you'll enjoy that I do want to mention real quickly