September 6th, 2024 Video Guidelines

September 6th, 2024 Video


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-qtPseN3OyNU,274.14053333333334,327.86086666666665">[ YouTube - September 6th, 2024 Video - Guidelines]</ref>



need to we've also made improvements to guidelines and how they work so previously it was just like one green line that showed up if you hold down control and you aimed at stuff it would just like indicate you where stuff is aligning so now it has a visual change it also now properly snaps buildings on foundations when you hold control and like I mentioned it has a visual change as well so now it also indicates when you're trying to connect and align stuff with like inputs to outputs and stuff like that it will show you that and it will visually show this by having either a green line to show inputs it will have a red line to show output and it have a blue line to indicate like the center of mass of the building if you want to align buildings to buildings and we also have so that like inputs and outputs have dashed lines and they're also moving to sort of indicate direction as well so now hopefully it'll be a little bit easier to sort of figure out like where things go hopefully the guidelines will make it a bit clearer now as to where you're placing the buildings and the next thing I want to talk about let