September 6th, 2024 Video Blueprint Designer Mk.2

September 6th, 2024 Video

Blueprint Designer Mk.2

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bye-bye whoa whoa whoa who wait wait no no no we can't end the video there I still have one last thing we need to talk about third time the charm right all right I all right we're going to talk about blueprints now okay finally okay so a bit of feedback that we have always gotten when it came to Blueprints and satisfactory is that people felt like the 4x4x4 Grid or the 4x4 grid, is too small for blueprint for the blueprint designer and you know there's supposed to be an element of like a challenge here like being able to figure out like how to fit stuff in the blueprints, but we hear you we understand, this bit of feedback so in 1.0 we're going to introduce the blueprint designer Mark I and the blueprint designer Mark I is a bigger blueprint designer obviously, We've increased it now to be a 5x 5x5 blueprint designer I know going from 4x4 to 5x5 might not sound like a lot but it is more roomy you have a lot more space to deal with and it sort of like I think 4x4 was just on the edge of of what people will be able to do, so like you'll be able to do a lot more with just this tiny bit of increase but unfortunately due to technical reasons you're not going to be able to load a Mark 1 blueprint in the Mark I blueprint designer, but you will still be able to to like you know take your blueprints made in the Mark 1 and place them in a Mark I designer just as you can do in the regular blueprint, designer, so so long as they fit of course and with