September 13th, 2022 Livestream
Q&A: Any updates to if Overclocking is changing?
This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: October 4th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Is the rebalance scheduled for Update 7?
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<ref name="yt-qBEml9Qw5xE">[ YouTube - September 13th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Any updates to if Overclocking is changing?]</ref>
any updates if overclocking power consumption is changing it is not changing at the moment we are I think I mean if you want the latest scoop here I'll bring you all back on the journey if you remember when I launched the first update 6 video I talked about like the things that coming into update 6. and one of the topics was that we were thinking of changing how overclocking works in the game we sort of backpedaled on that because we realized how many we felt that we didn't have all the answers to that like the issue of overclocking when we were going to introduce it so we backpacked a little bit because we wanted to look into it ourselves a bit more and we have been looking into it ourselves a bit more and we've sort of, concluded that we're not sure what's actually the best there's there's like one or two things that we're thinking of changing in the game, that we haven't talked about yet that we're gonna talk about later, that will sort of solve some of the issues with overclocking and, if we change overclocking now then it won't make sense or make that change so we've decided to just not do anything for now the other thing is we have also looked at like the values of overclocking and underclocking and maybe felt that those values might be too like harsh or lean or whatever and like it's it's it's a constant like back and forth so we're gonna we're probably gonna come back to this later much later probably, to, to see what we do we might just push like in its own update maybe with overclocking, just to try it out on experimental, but we might not do that so we'll see but the tldr is that we're not changing overclocking for update six and we will see in the future if it makes sense to change overclocking and that's the end of that sentence I think I covered everything