September 14th, 2021 Livestream Snutt & Jace Talk: We completely forgot about Golf

September 14th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt & Jace Talk: We completely forgot about Golf

Snutt & Jace talk briefly about the QA Site post '[Feature Request] Play golf'

This question has a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-ppy4qXOXA0w">[ YouTube - September 14th, 2021 Livestream - Snutt & Jace Talk: We completely forgot about Golf]</ref>



we completely forgot about golf today js holy did we what, oh yeah did we did we really though oh I've been I've been smashing refresh the whole time, my f5 fingers hurting yeah let's check out golf real quick let's see on our little q a side by the way if you haven't seen this site then, shame on you this is where you want to if you want to report anything about the game you go to the keyway side questions outside of yes let's see what we got, oh playing golf really slowed down I guess like people don't really want it after all that's a shame only twelve hundred and only one thousand two hundred fifty two votes huh oh I guess no I guess we're not going to say we have said a few months ago now right yeah, that it was 1300 1300 votes and we will add golf in fact, you guys have gotten really close so we put a lot of time into making golf, and we're ready to put it in we're waiting on you guys honestly, so you know 1300 is what we've said this whole time yeah, but it ain't looking too good this week huh chat yeah looks like the interest is sort of you know wavered a little it's a bummer, I wonder if we wasted time making golf like that yeah could have been doing something else that's a shame yeah all right that's okay yeah well that's right weekly check week that's the we should have a segment in the agenda, it was 300 votes one I know k-nord at one point it was 300 and then it went up from there yeah that's how voting works yeah yeah it went up we can't start at you absolutely you were absolutely talking about the number of votes that people have done and not the limit that we said you would you definitely weren't talking about that so