November 16th, 2021 Livestream Community FYI: Compared to other games, Satisfactory is already version 2.0

November 16th, 2021 Livestream

Community FYI: Compared to other games, Satisfactory is already version 2.0

00:00 Intro
00:06 Community response to Satisfactory
01:02 Polishing phases vs. fixing bugs now

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compared to other games satisfactories already version 2.0 I appreciate that thank you I'm glad you liked the game you you're not seeing the issues we're seeing but I it's good it's good you like it I'm happy that we you know I get that comment a lot and- I don't know I don't know if I necessarily agree that like oh satisfactory is better than all the games that exist in like all the aaa games but it's nice that people think that that like you know the the experience they've gotten out of the game they it feels like robust you know I think that's that's what really makes me happy to hear that's all you can sort of hopefully yeah exactly that like it's it's not about being better than anything else it's just that like if we create something where people just have that experience that's just really pleasurable it's great yeah that's all we can ever ask for because it's annoying when you play a game where like you're annoyed by like the issues with the game but the game itself is good, yeah so yeah hopefully we'll get to a point where a lot of those like little annoying things will go away yeah for sure but like we have sort of mentioned this before and I guess I'll bring it up again, is is like there there will there will likely be a polish phase of the game before 1.0 and it's and it's not and like we do go through a polish phase for every update right like when when we start making features they're shitty and broken and weird completely right before you guys have seen it right and then once we once we can recognize that these new features that we want to add are good and interact and function well together then we start polishing them up and get them ready to go out to you guys and that's what that's that's a cycle that we do with every single update but it's also a cycle that we're doing with the entire game completely so like there are issues that the game has but we don't and we intend to fix them at some point but it's also not a good idea to run around trying to put out every single fire right now and then develop new things which is just gonna bring up new fires again anyway and probably break all the fixes that you did before that's like it's just not a good idea to invest all that time right now when you're gonna change things again later so like we do intend that at some point after the game is becoming more of what we want it to be in the long run we do need to go through like a polish phase where we'll probably go through and and fix a lot of issues that are there, and start tying things together a little better, but it's it's just it's just not a good idea to do that every single update we will get nowhere like the game like it won't even guarantee a more stable game in the long run and it's just gonna waste a lot of time and instead of us working on things that will complete the game, we're just gonna get stuck on things that are relatively minor yeah and and probably things that we fix over and over again every time we make an update exactly when we could just fix it once in the end yeah exactly why fix it 10 times you just fix it once at the end I mean that does speak for the nature of early access I mean it is it is like both good and bad in that sense where like it's frustrating that you know we can't make every single update be you know 1.0 stable you know quality blah blah blah like we are doing you know we have to find that like middle ground sort of where it's good enough and then people enjoy it and it's like worth it being in early access but we also have to focus on you know finishing game and making all the other features because it really is a luxury working on a game in both ways because like if you're if you're not releasing your game then you can really have it broke be broken up up until the point when you're releasing it because you know that like this isn't an issue, like yeah so yeah like they seem like issues because they're like to you guys because they're like there in front of you when you're trying to play and they get in the way and and yeah that is an issue but like to to us like in our brains we're thinking how do we solve the problem that is the design of this game which is like what are all the things that need to be in there what are all the interactions that need to be in there what are all the like major performance things that we need to overcome like these are like bigger questions that are not that are like much bigger than like every little thing that you run into and like these are big massive project long problems that need to be solved over years and years and years and so we want to keep working on those major massive problems, but when it comes to like the the the lights not lighting up on some vehicles it's like we know we can fix that that's not a big deal yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there's no question mark on how long that's going to take not really you know, but like do we have the right number of tiers do we have the right balance is there is is every feature completely justified is the world the way it needs to look, like these are things that we don't know the solutions to and we don't know how long it will take us it could take a year it could take two years take six months who knows it's kind of like soft issues yeah those are really those are really like the really hard ones that are hard to solve you I hate I've been on projects where like 90 of the time the game is not fun and that's super stressful but like we are in a state where like the game is fun in its current state and now we can like work on the issues with the current state et cetera so yeah