January 19th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Do we know where the new Resource Wells be placed?

January 19th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Do we know where the new Resource Wells be placed?


This question has 2 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-pMAE5-tkdGg">[https://youtu.be/pMAE5-tkdGg YouTube - January 19th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Do we know where the new Resource Wells be placed?]</ref>



same for those and do we know do we know where like where these notes will be placed yet on the map or how far we got yeah the new ones, ross or level designer has been trying to like figure that out so he has this whole map where he has kind of compared it to all the other placements of resources on the map and he's trying to figure out like good locations and he's kind of nailed it down I think now so we know, it's hard to, kind of explain, mostly what you will see with oils there will only be a few because these these extraction locations are very powerful we will mostly try to place them in places that are far from other oil locations gotcha so it won't be like yeah so it won't be like you have an additional node in like the oil fields if for oil specifically it's something new yeah, that might be the case for some but mostly we want to kind of fill up the map right we want to make sure that players don't feel like they have all have to go all the way across the map to get more oil there might be like a resource well of oil closer by their their base gotcha