September 24th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: I feel like the Hover Pack range is better now, can we know how much the distance is now?

September 24th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: I feel like the Hover Pack range is better now, can we know how much the distance is now?

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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-p1p6Yb0wv1w">[ YouTube - September 24th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: I feel like the Hover Pack range is better now, can we know how much the distance is now?]</ref>



oh this is interesting hello I feel like the hover pack range is better now can we know how much the distance is now it feels 60 M for me now I don't think we've changed the hover pack, distance at all, I might be wrong but I've never heard anyone mention it


internally it feels like it's changed that might not be int like intentional


hover pack is definitely changed okay interesting we it might have changed but I haven't heard anyone mention this, so it might not be intentional it might be intentional to and people just forget to mention it to me but cuz that's happened before but there's also been cases where something changed in the game and we didn't realize until Community noticed it


, but I mean if it works now then maybe we should just okay cool awesome