November 9th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Why can't I keybind extra mouse buttons?

November 9th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Why can't I keybind extra mouse buttons?

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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-oVRGVjijnKw">[ YouTube - November 9th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Why can't I keybind extra mouse buttons?]</ref>



why can't I keep buying extra mouse buttons what do you mean extra mouse passes like on your mouse because that is totally doable I mean or it might be in a particular case with your mouse maybe so please go to the qa side and upload it because we- I mean I've done it it works for me like that's always super helpful not like mouse button five or something wait so not like mouse button five or what do you mean no like mouse button five see this is cr this is why grammar is important kids no but I mean I've done it so I know you can do it so it might be a thing with, I can do a match by four but not five I don't know if it's something with like I don't know because I have I've done five it works in my local but, please go to the keyway side and like upload that stuff or post a ticket about it because, it might be that like there might be like some some mouse drivers or something that doesn't allow it for it for the game at all or something like that, yeah I can do my swift by five yeah


so always go to the q a side and let us know in your specific case why it doesn't work like what brand you're using and like stuff like that if you're using custom drivers custom drivers man they're so like they've caused so many issues, when you buy like steel series my a steel series mouse or something like that they come sometimes come with like you can install like custom custom firmware or whatever and that that like they mess up so much with with the game sometimes